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Client Testimonials
“The Town of Sharpsburg being a very small town “UMS delivered as promised. UMS audited over 40
appreciates companies like UMS helping us save money. accounts and found savings when we thought there
We operate on a very small budget-every penny counts.” were none. I strongly recommend their services.”
Deannie Roberson - Town Clerk Craig Siebel - CFO
Town of Sharpsburg – Sharpsburg, GA Hudson Automotive – Charleston, SC
“The process could not have been simpler. UMS was “Services have been very good. Staff is friendly and we
unobtrusive, patient and easy to deal with.” have realized savings.”
Monica Molina - General Manager Jeff Hood, Controller
Vecino Brewing Co/Yester Year Brewery – Carrboro, NC Neomonde Baking Company - Morrisville, NC
“The model used by Utility Management Services is “Working with UMS was easy. They were able to identify
straightforward and easy to understand - which is several areas of opportunities for saving our company
important for verifying true savings given all the money on our utilities. Thank you for helping a non-
variables that enter in.” profit save money!”
Keven Rice, Director of Finance Nannette Mauger, Business Manager
Alleghany County Public Schools - Low Moor, VA Lower Cape Fear Hospice - Wilmington, NC
“Excellent business model! Win-win situation! With all “The service that UMS provided us is great. They were
the electricity fees, tariffs, etc., we need someone on the able to get us refunds for past services that we paid too
side of the consumer who is an expert in this area - it’s much for and also made sure that the current rates that
very confusing to someone never exposed to the the utility companies had for us were correct. This has
industry.” saved our company thousands of dollars.”
Darin Boothe, Director of Finance Ralf Maier, Dir. Of Facilities & Environmental Compliance
Floyd County School Board - Floyd, VA General Microcircuits - Mooresville, NC
“Utility Management Services saved us tens of thousands “Any savings one can take advantage of when running a
of dollars, and every dollar of savings is important to a small business is important. We are thankful for the help
school district. We valued their service and expertise.” UMS has provided us.”
Valjeanne Estes - Energy Manager Danielle Freeman - Administration & Compliance
New Hanover County Schools – Wilmington, NC Carolina Sporting Arms - Charlotte, NC
“I am very pleased with the service that I receive from “Wonderful service, great folks to work with, all around
UMS.” great company!”
Dan Ward, President Jason Kuhn - Operations/Development
South Carolina Foods, Inc. - Lexington, SC Patient Services, Inc. - Midlothian, VA
Utility Management Services, Inc.
6317 Oleander Drive, Suite C Wilmington, NC 28403
Toll Free 888.867.3230 Fax 910.793.2946