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Success Story: School District

    Utility Management Services, Inc. Reduces Utility Expenses for

Alleghany County Public Schools

    Over $40,000 in Annual Savings

Keven Rice, Director of Finance for Alleghany County Public Schools           operations or hassle to staff. This solution, along with data from the
(ACPS), is tasked with making financial decisions on behalf of the            rate optimization analysis was presented to ACPS in a comprehensive,
district to facilitate an environment for quality education. ACPS is          easy-to-understand report.
home to approximately 2,000 students across five schools in rural
Virginia. They chose Utility Management Services, Inc. (UMS) to               UMS then worked directly with the power provider to implement
review their electric accounts to help make the most of every budget          any changes which would be advantageous to ACPS. UMS continues
dollar spent on energy in their district because the terms were simple;       to provide services by monitoring the ongoing electric bills and
if there are no savings, there is no cost.                                    generating verifiable savings reports based on actual performance.
                                                                              Forward Thinking to Create an Efficient Future
Facing Challenges
                                                                              ACPS is projected to save more than $40,000 annually without making
The number of students served by ACPS has dropped 33 percent over             any operational changes. Keven’s commitment to working with the
the last ten years. Funding is distributed on a per-student basis, so the     specialists at UMS to find creative ways to minimize utility expenses
fixed costs for operating the schools quickly became a large percentage       will bring ongoing savings to the district indefinitely. Budgeting is a
of the total budget as enrollment declined. Due to Keven’s experience         very real challenge for public education and UMS is proud to have
in contracting, he has successfully negotiated better pricing for some        identified efficiencies that will allow ACPS to better support their
of the district’s other services, but recognized that electric rate analysis  students.
was a task best left to the specialists.

Working with UMS

UMS’ technical analysis started with a risk-free audit of the historical
usage and billing data to identify alternative rate and rider options
for each of ACPS’ electric accounts. During their routine audit for
ACPS, UMS auditors discovered an issue with a piece of equipment
that was causing excessive charges. UMS worked with ACPS and the
power provider to replace the equipment without interruption to school

“Some operational functions are outside our areas of
expertise, and we are appreciative for the assistance
Utility Management Services provides in one such area.”

                                           -Keven Rice, Director of Finance

        $160 Million In Savings For Our Customers

                                                             Utility Management Services, Inc.
                                                             Tel: 888.867.3230 | Fax: 910.793.2946
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