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Success Story: Municipal Government
Utility Management Services, Inc. Reduces Utility Expenses for
Over $13,000 in Annual Savings
City of Byron Councilman, James Richardson, met Utility and hard to decipher. This makes it a difficult task for any
Management Services (UMS) at a municipal conference. He customer to accurately identify the most advantageous plan for
introduced the concept of UMS’ electric rate audit and analysis each account’s unique operating characteristics.
service to the City Administrator, Derick Hayes, and Economic
and Community Development Director, Tiffany Sandefur. Strategic Service to Maximize Future Savings
Mr. Hayes & Mrs. Sandefur decided to further evaluate the UMS’ service model minimizes customer disruption and
program and were surprised to learn that UMS’ only incentive is maximizes outcomes—while providing assurance to the customer
to find savings for the city. that our work will produce favorable results. Little administrative
involvement is needed on the customer’s part.
UMS’ contingency-based service requires neither operational
changes nor upfront fees. The fact that there was no cost involved, UMS performed a historical audit to identify billing errors and
if no savings were identified—almost made the service sound overcharges. UMS also analyzed the usage data for each account
like it was too good to be true. However, UMS’ large portfolio and studied its performance under alternative rate and rider options
of clients and its A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, available through the provider. This study revealed over $13,000
instilled confidence that UMS would perform the service in the in annual savings. UMS worked directly with the power provider
utmost professional and successful manner. to implement these changes on the city’s behalf.
Energy Usage for Cities & Towns These savings results will help to improve the City of Byron’s
bottom-line and allow the city to invest these funds into other
Cities have dozens of power accounts. Many times, these accounts endeavors that will support the community.
are with multiple power providers. Power providers often take
a “buyer-beware” stance, which leaves it up to the customer to Additionally, this study provides the citizens of the City of Byron
determine the most cost-effective plan for each account. with a tangible example of their government officials acting
in good faith to reduce expenses at no risk and their ability to
The rate and rider plans that a power provider offers are complex effectively create positive outcomes for the future.
$160 Million In Savings For Our Customers
Utility Management Services, Inc.
Tel: 888.867.3230 | Fax: 910.793.2946