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Success Story: Municipal Government

Utility Management Services, Inc. Reduces Utility Expenses for

Over $27,000 in Savings Identified
The City of Douglasville is one of the     Energy Usage for Cities
fastest growing cities in the Metro-       Cities have dozens of power accounts and,          “The City of Douglasville’s
Atlanta area. With a population that has   many times, these accounts are with multiple       philosophy is to stay at the forefront
grown approximately 70% in the last        power providers. Power providers often take        of the best municipal practices. The
two decades, the city has engineered       a “buyer-beware” stance, which leaves it up        city’s partnership with UMS fits into
a reinvigoration of its downtown area      to the customer to determine the most cost-        that philosophy flawlessly and has
including a state-of-the-art conference    effective plan for each account.                   resulted in savings not only for our
center with an attached parking deck                                                          organization but, most importantly,
that is free of charge. To accommodate     The rate and rider plans that a power provider     for our residents.”
the ever-growing population, the city is   offers are complex and hard to decipher. This      - Mayor Rochelle Robinson
also in the planning stages of a massive   makes it a difficult task for any customer to
redevelopment project that will add        accurately identify the most advantageous       UMS performed a historical audit to
a new greenspace, amphitheater, and        plan for each account’s unique operating        identify billing errors and overcharges.
mixed-use development to Downtown          characteristics.                                UMS also analyzed the usage data for
Douglasville. Douglasville prides itself                                                   each account and studied its performance
and its city services as creating “Impact  Finding a Creative Savings Solution             under alternative rate and rider options
that Matters.”                             The City of Douglasville spends over $1         available through the provider. This study
As with any other major redevelopment      million annually on utilities. The city sought  revealed over $27,000 in annual savings.
campaign, finding funding sources is of    ways to create cost-savings and increase        UMS worked directly with the power
the utmost importance.                     funding for the community.                      providers to implement these changes on
                                                                                           the city’s behalf.
        Planned Redevelopment Project      As part of this pursuit, the city’s finance
                                           department spoke with Utility Management
                                           Services, Inc. (UMS) about the firm’s
                                           contingency-based, utility bill audit and
                                           analysis service. UMS’ service requires
                                           no upfront or out-of-pocket fees—nor any
                                           operational changes on the customer’s part—to
                                           create savings.

                                           The city’s finance department conducted due
                                           diligence on UMS’ service and learned that
                                           very little time and involvement would be
                                           needed by the department’s staff.

$160 Million In Savings For Our Customers

                                           Utility Management Services, Inc.
                                           Tel: 888.867.3230 | Fax: 910.793.2946
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