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Success Story: Healthcare System
Utility Management Services, Inc. Reduces Utility Expenses for a
Healthcare System
Over $1 Million in Savings Per Year Identified
Utility Management Services, Inc. (UMS) helps identify savings authorization agreement and one copy of a recent bill for each electric
opportunities through utility bill audits and analyses for businesses account, little involvement was needed on the part of the system’s staff
and organizations of all sizes and types. UMS identifies savings for members to begin the audit.
customers due to billing errors, meter-reading errors and incorrect rate/ UMS performed a thorough 12-month historical billing audit of the
rider combinations. system’s accounts using proprietary analytical
A healthcare system in the Southeast partnered Hospital tools. UMS’ certified Business Energy Professional
with UMS to perform a thorough, 12-month ENERGY FACTS Analysts obtained usage and demand data for each
historical billing audit for their accounts. The account directly from the power provider. They
system utilizes 80 power accounts; spanning across -Second most energy-intensive industry carefully studied thousands of data points for all
three hospitals, multiple outpatient centers and the accounts.
other auxiliary facilities. -Consume close to 10% of the total
energy used in U.S. commercial The audit revealed seven different types and
The system is dedicated to a comprehensive energy buildings classes of savings opportunities for the system.
management plan and implements energy-efficient The smaller opportunities required no operational
solutions to reduce their environmental footprint -Spend more than $8 billion on energy changes. However, the larger, more significant
and total energy consumption without impacting each year opportunities are complex and will take additional
the quality of patient care. time to implement.
-Energy costs consume up to 3%
The annual energy expenditures for the healthcare percent of a hospital’s total operating The opportunities that have already been
budget & up to 15% of annual profits
facts from
system exceeded $5.1 million. With a continued implemented are projected to save the healthcare
focus on efficiency, the potential to save in non-patient care areas, such as system more than $400,000 annually with no negative impact to its
utilities, was an untapped opportunity. bottom-line.
Through their regional purchasing alliance, the healthcare system If the healthcare system follows through with the rest of UMS’
learned about UMS and the no-risk assessment they offer to uncover recommendations, they will save an additional $800,000 per year - a total
savings opportunities. After providing UMS with an of $1,200,000 annually.
$160 Million In Savings For Our Customers
Utility Management Services, Inc.
Tel: 888.867.3230 | Fax: 910.793.2946