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Success Story: Bakery & Cafe

Utility Management Services, Inc. Reduces Utility Expenses for

      Neomonde Bakery & Cafe

 Over $25,000 In Total Savings Identified

Neomonde is a family-owned and               Utility Management Services, Inc. (UMS)   UMS’ Business Energy Professional
operated baking company based in the         approached Neomonde to conduct a          Analysts successfully secured a one-
Raleigh, NC area. The Bakery specializes in  comprehensive historical bill audit to    time refund in excess of $9,200 and
European specialty breads and Lebanese       identify billing errors, overcharges and  identified $8,800 in ongoing annual
pita bread, distributing its products to     future savings opportunities.             savings for Neomonde.
NC retailers, food service groups like       Neomonde appreciated that UMS' service    Utility bill auditing is a great tool for
Compass group and to college campuses.       was straightforward, specifically...      all industries and yields savings for
Neomonde also operates two award-            -	 The simple, one-page agreement.        companies of all sizes.
winning cafes and markets, where             - 	UMS investigates available rates
they prepare traditional Lebanese            	 and other power provider specific        “The best part is
and Mediterranean fare using quality         	opportunities.                            the low risk. It is
ingredients to ensure authenticity.          - UMS negotiates and communicates          truly a win/win.”
Neomonde was exploring ways to               	with the power provider on your
increase their bottom line without           	behalf.                                           Jeff Hood, Controller,
impacting their daily operations;            - If UMS finds savings, the savings              Neomonde Bakery & Cafe
while preserving their core values and       	 are shared; if UMS finds no savings,
keeping costs down in order to offer         	 you pay nothing.
the best pricing to customers.               - UMS continually monitors your 	
                                             	 accounts for the lifetime of the 	

$160 Million In Savings For Our Customers

                                             Utility Management Services, Inc.
                                             Tel: 888.867.3230 | Fax: 910.793.2946
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