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Success Story: Rate Case Hearings
Utility Management Services, Inc.
A seemingly small change in the price of All remaining issues are litigated by the
electricity can impact the financial stability “However, the Commission IOU and intervener’s during the formal
of many businesses. also finds and concludes hearing which can last several weeks. The
Investor owned utilities (“IOU”) are for- that the unique load factor parties present all of their research and
profit organizations. Regulated states other evidence to advance and support
have a public utility commission or other characteristics…and related cost their positions. Post-hearing briefs are
agency that oversees all issues such as the of service issues, as discussed submitted after the formal hearing has
ratemaking process and the IOU’s allowed by witness Coughlan, merit a concluded.
return on investment. full review by the Company The administrative agency issues a ruling
to determine whether a more on all positions once all of the evidence
UMS’s Expertise and filings have been considered.
appropriate rate provision should
Utility Management Services, Inc. (UMS) be established and implemented.” UMS’s Rate Case Involvement
has been involved in rate case proceedings
for over 10 years. In order to prevent the -North Carolina Utilities Commission UMS represents their customers in rate
application of discriminatory and unfair case proceedings. UMS prepares pre-
rates, UMS advocates on behalf of their The Ratemaking Process trial briefs and testimony, and attends
customers. settlement and conference meetings on all
President of UMS, Brian Coughlan, is a Changing or creating new rates is an issues that impact customer interests.
former IOU executive with over 30 years extensive process that involves complex UMS has a dedicated team of professionals
of experience in the industry. He has been issues. providing support through each and
an expert witness, testifying in several rate Rate case proceedings begin when an IOU every phase of the rate case process. UMS
case hearings and acting as a mediator files a petition with the commission to has support staff that includes in-house
during settlement conferences with IOUs. increase their electricity prices. The public corporate counsel and certified Business
Mr. Coughlan’s expert testimony and the is allowed to offer written comments or Energy Professionals.
subsequent Commission approval of rate they can petition to intervene against the UMS staff prepares motions and pre-filed
proposed changes. testimony, conducts extensive research,
classes has generated studies the complexities of each rate design
greater than $3.7 Pre-trial briefs and testimony are submitted and provides a detailed analysis to support
million in savings for during the rate case process. Before the each issue. UMS attends the formal hearing
a single customer. formal hearings, settlement meetings are and presents expert testimony.
held in order to resolve as many issues as UMS is currently involved in three
different rate case proceedings that
possible. should result in annual savings in excess
of $2 million for their customers. UMS
is committed to advocating on their
customer’s behalf for rate structures
that result in the lowest possible
energy costs.
$160 Million In Savings For Our Customers
Utility Management Services, Inc.
Tel: 888.867.3230 | Fax: 910.793.2946