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Success Story: Laundry

Utility Management Services, Inc. Creates Savings for

  Shared Hospital Services

 Over $192,000 in Total Savings

Shared Hospital Services (SHS) is owned      reduce their peak demand. UMS also           of hours per year in exchange for even
and operated by the largest hospitals in     analyzed the interval data using their       greater savings. UMS will participate
the Tidewater region of Virginia. The        proprietary software, RateMaster. These      in Dominion Power’s next rate case
not-for-profit healthcare laundry provides   tools help identify suspected errors and     on behalf of SHS in front of the State
15.5 million pounds of rental linen each     overcharges on a customer’s electric bills.  Corporation Commission. UMS will
year to 11 hospitals and 100 clinics         Using computer simulation modeling,          request changes in rate structures that
                                             these tools were also used to project        will help SHS and other businesses.
Electricity is one of the largest operating  the total monthly and annual billing for
expenses of the organization. Utility        SHS under each rate option offered by         "UMS delivered the engineer-
Management Services, Inc. (UMS)              Dominion Power.                               ing expertise and technical
performed an analysis of the operation to                                                  knowledge needed to create
try to find ways to reduce their overall     By thoroughly analyzing the usage data,       savings for our organization.
electric bills.                              UMS was able to identify a significant        They continue to work closely
                                             savings opportunity for SHS. This             with us to help minimize our
UMS' certified Business Energy               opportunity allowed SHS to make slight        ongoing electrical costs."
Professional analysts obtained power         changes in their operating characteristics    Mark Smoyer,
provider data for the facility showing       in exchange for substantial reductions in     Former President
the actual demand and energy usage for       their electric bills.                         and General Manager,
each 30 minute interval over a 12 month                                                    Shared Hospital Services
period - 17,520 data points. This data       UMS monitors the ongoing usage at
allowed UMS to identify the exact times      SHS and notifies SHS when the market
when electrical demand hit peak levels.      prices for electricity are extremely
With that knowledge, SHS was able to         high. This gives SHS the option to run
fine-tune their operations and strive to     their generator for a very small number

$160 Million In Savings For Our Customers

                                             Utility Management Services, Inc.
                                             Tel: 888.867.3230 | Fax: 910.793.2946
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