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Success Story: Manufacturer
STF PrecisionUtility Management Services, Inc. Reduces Utility Expenses for
Over $24,000 in Annual Savings
Utility Management Services, Inc. (UMS) helps identify savings will also provide detailed information specific to a client’s facility
opportunities through utility bill audits and analyses for businesses regarding lowering energy bills.
and organizations of all sizes and types. UMS identifies savings for
customers due to billing errors, meter-reading errors and incorrect UMS continues to monitor and analyze the utility accounts of STF
rate/rider combinations. STF Precision contracted UMS to audit Precision to ensure they are not being overcharged and paying the
their utility accounts. lowest possible cost for energy.
Our Certified Business Energy Professional Analysts acquired About STF Precision - “The Sharpest Cut in the Industry.”
two years of billing and usage data from the power provider and
performed an in-depth analysis using UMS’ proprietary software, STF Precision is a leading manufacturer of diamond-tipped cutting
RateMaster. The team searched for errors and overcharges within tools, including polycrystalline diamond tools (PCD) and Single-
each account. Crystal Diamond Tools (SCD). They excel at manufacturing high-
tolerance specials and hard-to-produce cutting tools, and they
UMS found a billing error resulting in a one-time refund of $20,000. offer a complete line of PCD & CBN rotary tools.
In STF Precision’s case, they were able to collect the refund for an
error that dated back three years. From design to delivery,
a standard round tool
In addition to the one-time refund, UMS negotiated a new Power lead time is an impressive
Purchase Contract with Duke Energy Progress for a significantly six weeks. STF has the
lower rate. This new contract will result in savings of approximately equipment and experience
$24,500 each year. The team of analysts at UMS also identified to design, manufacture and regrind tooling for a wide variety of
multiple riders that are typically built into Duke Energy Progress applications, including: Turning, Boring, Grooving, Profiling and
bills; most customers are unaware of these and that they may be Facemilling difficult-to-machine materials such as High Silicon
able to opt out. STF Precision was eligible to opt out of paying Aluminum, Composites, Carbon-fiber and Plastics. STF Precision
specific riders on all future bills. Diamond Tools is located in the beautiful mountains of Asheville,
North Carolina.
No operational changes or capital investments were necessary
for STF to benefit from the savings. As an ongoing service, UMS “After getting the results of my analysis, I could not
believe how much I was being overcharged by the
power company. The expertise of the UMS team is
extremely valuable, and they could save your business
a lot of money. I highly recommend having them
perform a risk-free audit, even if you’ve had one done
before - and if they don’t find any savings, there is no
charge.” -Dave Novak, VP of Administration
$160 Million In Savings For Our Customers
Utility Management Services, Inc.
Tel: 888.867.3230 | Fax: 910.793.2946