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Success Story: Brewery

Utility Management Services, Inc. Reduces Utility Expenses for

              Highland Brewing Company

Over $50,000 in Total Savings to Date

Highland Brewing contracted UMS to audit       the 3,500 square foot brewery in downtown        Oscar Wong, Founder, Owner, Board
their utility accounts.                        Asheville. Highland Brewing Company              Chair, Chief Peddler, Schmoozing and
                                               rolled out its first kegs in December 1994.      Cleanup Guy.
Our Business Energy Professional Certified     Today, Asheville’s first brewery since
analysts acquired two years worth of           Prohibition is also the largest family-owned
billing and usage data directly from the       brewery native to the Southeast. Their beers
power provider and performed an in-depth       are distributed throughout the nine states
analysis using our proprietary software,
RateMaster, to search for errors                 and Washington, DC.
and overcharges.
                                                          Infrastructure and planning are
UMS secured a one-time                                       now underway to channel
refund of almost $4000                                         rainwater from the roof and use
and an ongoing savings                                          it for grey-water, irrigation,
of $7500 per year. To                                           and possibly additional
date, Highland Brewing                                          power production. After 20
has saved over $50,000.                                         years, Highland continues to
                                                              grow in sustainability efforts,
UMS continues to monitor
and analyze the utility accounts                           brewing capacity, and quality.
at Highland Brewing to ensure that                     It is now in its second generation of
they are paying the lowest possible costs for  family ownership.
                                               Highland Brewing Goes Solar
How It All Started
                                               Highland Brewing cares about economics
Highland founder, Oscar Wong, retired          and protecting the environment. After years
from an engineering career after traveling     of planning, many of Highland Brewing's
all over the country, and chose Asheville      operations will now be powered by the sun.
to start Highland Brewing "as a hobby" in      Under peak conditions the system can create
                                               up to 324 kW.

$160 Million In Savings For Our Customers

                                               Utility Management Services, Inc.
                                               Tel: 888.867.3230 | Fax: 910.793.2946
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