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          The regular business meetings shall be held on the
          second Sunday of each month. There shall be a total
          of fifteen meetings each year, three of which include
          social meetings. Should the second Sunday of the
          month fall on Easter Sunday or Mother’s Day, the
          meeting shall be held on the third Sunday. The
          December meeting will be a Saturday brunch. For
          regular meetings, the social period shall begin at
          2 p.m. and the program from 2:15-2:45 p.m.,
          followed by the business meeting at 2:45 p.m.
          Reports on Louisiana State Bylaws and the P.E.O.
          Constitution will be given in alternate years. In 2020-
          2021 the chapter will hear a report on the Louisiana
          State Bylaws, as well as reports on the P.E.O.
                  P.E.O. Sisterhood was founded at
                  IOWA WESLEYAN COLLEGE

                       Mount Pleasant, Iowa
                         January 21, 1869

                        Flower: Marguerite
                     Colors: Yellow and White

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