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These bylaws may be amended at any regular business meeting of
the chapter by a two-thirds vote of members present, provided the
amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular
business meeting and all absent resident members notified that a
vote will be taken at the next regular business meeting.
1. The regular business meetings of Chapter BL shall be held at
members’ homes unless otherwise changed by the president and
program chairman. Such change(s) shall be scheduled in the
chapter yearbook, or every resident member shall be notified.
The day and hour of the regular social meetings of Chapter BL
shall be determined by the Chapter or program chairman and
specified in the yearbook. Every resident member shall be notified
if date and/or time is changed.
2. Nonmenbers of Chapter BL shall be excused during any
business items of membership selection.
The final standing rule shall be as follows:
These standing rules may be amended by a two-thirds vote without
previous notice or by a majority vote with notice. A standing rule
shall be adopted or suspended by majority vote; vote to suspend
applies only to the meeting at which vote is taken.