Page 12 - Raynes Park Vale v Guildford City
P. 12

25-yard Jimmy Brown piledriver was                                                  season  was  soon  abandoned  for  the  fer to Leeds United. Langley went on
      enough to win the tie in front of 7,831                                             duration. It was long a point of discus- to play for Brighton & Hove Albion,
      at  Josephs  Road.  Guildford  couldn’t                                             sion amongst City fans as to whether  Fulham  and  Queens  Park  Rangers  in
      repeat their heroics in the next round                                              this  golden  City  team  would  eventu- a long-playing career. He also became
      when  they  departed  the  competition                                              ally have been elected to the Football  the only Guildford City player to go on
      at another Football League side Don-                                                League if the war hadn’t intervened.    to gain full international caps for Eng-
      caster Rovers.  In a pre-substitute age                                                          1946-1960                land.  In  another  first  he  also  became
      three players suffered injury during the                                            When the playing squad re-assembled  the  only  City  player  to  have  a  road
      match and were largely passengers. Fi-                                              in 1946 after the war very few of City’s  named  after  him  when  Josephs  Road
      nancially though the 10,942 attendance                                              1938–39  team  remained.  That  didn’t  was eventually replaced by a housing
      at Belle Vue softened the blow of a 4-0                                             prevent another successful season with  estate.
      defeat. In pursuit of their first South-                                            City again finishing Southern League      Won seven of their next nine
      ern League title City finished the sea-                                             runners-up. A new goal scorer had ar- Archie Macaulay was appointed man-
      son like an express train, winning nine                                             rived at Josephs Road in the form of  ager in 1953 and he set about building
      out  of  their  last  10  games.  The  title                                        Fred Monk who netted 29 league goals  another  successful  side.  This  culmi-
      was finally clinched in the penultimate                                             in  32  appearances.  There  then  was  a  nated  in  a  second  Southern  League
      match, and to the acclaim of the town                                               period of relative mediocrity until the  Championship in the 1955-56 season,
      City were Champions!  Jimmy Brown                                                   1950-51  season  when  City  secured  a  with  City  finishing  four  points  clear
      had contributed 38 goals in 34 league                                               third-place  league  finish.  Eddie  Pass- of Cheltenham Town in second place.
      appearances.                          Aldershot made a good start and were          more’s 38 goals played a large part in  Guildford’s  championship  goals  were
               FA Cup 1st Round             3-0  up  in  the  first  half.  But  after  the   City’s season.                    principally  shared  by  Rick  Pearson
      Manager  Haydn  Green  was  now  in  break it was end to end stuff but at the           Despite a gallant performance     and  Alec  Hope,  whilst  defensively
      demand  and  prior  to  the  1938-39  he  final whistle the Hampshire side came     In  1951-52  finished  fourth  in  the  Mick  Morton  was  considered  one  of
      very nearly departed for Torquay Unit- away 4-3 winners. Back in the league         league,  but  the  highlight  was  reach- the best defenders outside of the Foot-
      ed. But the city board were very well  the prolific Jimmy Brown set an unbro-       ing  the  second-round  proper  of  the  ball  League.    The  final  years  of  the
      aware  how  important  he  was  to  the  ken club record by scoring seven goals     FA Cup. A first round win over fellow  decade  were  unremarkable.  Indeed,
      club, and they managed to ensure that  in an 8-1 victory over Exeter City Re-       Southern League club Hereford United  in  the  1958-59  season  City  went  20
      Green stayed in post for a further sea- serves.  In a table-topping clash against   saw City drawn away at then Football  league  matches  before  winning  their
      son. In the FA Cup 1st Round, proper  Colchester United in April a crowd of         League side Gateshead. It remains the  first match of the season on 21 Febru-
      City were drawn away to local Foot- 9,443  assembled  at  Josephs  Road  to         longest journey undertaken by a Guild- ary. Amazingly they then won seven of
      ball League rivals Aldershot. A crowd  watch City win 3-1. Again, Guildford         ford City side. 150 City fans had made  their  next  nine  matches  to  pull  away
      of  11,000  gathered  at  the  Recreation  came like a steam train at the end of the   the pre-motorway 600-mile round trip  from the foot of the table.
      Ground to witness a tense cup-tie. Jim- season winning their final eight match-     to  Gateshead  and  were  amongst  the             1961-1970
      my Brown scored for City in a 1-1 draw  es. But it wasn’t quite enough as City      15,000 crowd. The highest attendance  The sixties were Guildford City’s sec-
      and both teams assembled for the re- finished runners-up by just one point to       at any Guildford City match.  Despite  ond golden period. In 1961-62 the club
      play at Josephs Road. The 9,932 crowd  Colchester United.                           a gallant performance Gateshead won  returned  to  the  top  echelons  of  the
      was  a  ground  record  although  many    War clouds were gathering                 the clash 2-0. At the conclusion of the  Southern  League,  finishing  third  be-
      felt  there  were  many  more  attending.  In  September  1939  war  clouds  were   season  in  1951-star  half-back  Jimmy  hind Oxford United who were bound
      The resulting match was a real thriller.  gathering  in  Europe  and  the  1939-40   Langley left the club in a £2,000 trans- for the Football League, and Bath City.
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