Page 14 - Raynes Park Vale v Guildford City
P. 14

roar City onto a famous 2-1 victory.  A  finally  on  12  February  1974  amidst
                                                                                          further 8,774 saw City fall narrowly to  emotional  scenes,  the  last  match  was
                                                                                          Newport County in the Second Round,  played  on  the  old  ground  in  front  of
                                                                                          and unbeknown at the time the glory  625 fans.  The season was seen out by
                                                                                          days at Josephs road were over. Inex- playing at other club’s grounds. Iron-
                                                                                          plicably  the  following  season  Guild- ically  the  Josephs  Road  stadium  sat
                                                                                          ford  struggled  throughout  the  cam- untouched  until  1978.  Eschewing  of-
                                                                                          paign and finishing bottom of the pile  fers of land for a ground in Guildford,
                                                                                          they suffered their first relegation.  the board of directors opted instead to
                                                                                                       1971-1976                amalgamate with Dorking FC and play
                                                                                          Guildford  City  spent  two  seasons  in  at  that  clubs  Meadowbank  stadium.
                                                                                          the  Southern  League  Division  One,  The move lasted two full seasons with
                                                                                          the second level. In the 1970-71 City  Dorking & Guildford finishing bottom
                                                                                          regained their seat at the top table by  of the Premier Division in the first year
                                                                                          winning  the  Division  One  champi- and  15th  in  Division  One  in  the  sec-
                                                                                          onship  by  four  points  from  Merthyr  ond.  City  fans  had  thought  the  move
                                                                                          Tydfil.  Les  Burns  and  the  evergreen  a sell-out and many refused to attend
      Southern League Challenge Cup winners                                               Tony  Burge  scored  42  league  goals  in Dorking. With poor form also, the
                                                                                          between  them.  Promotion  had  been  attendances  were  disappointing.  In
      Dave Barrett who had signed after Na-  them. The 1965-66 league season was          gained  but  off  of  the  pitch  financial  season three the rug was finally pulled
      tional service in Aldershot, had estab-  disappointing but in 1966-67 City re-      problems were worsening. There was  on the club after just 15 matches of the
      lished himself a first-class striker and   covered to finish sixth in an incredibly   still time for two big FA Cup matches,  1976-77 season.
      scored 22 league goals. The following   tight league where they were only four      both away from home. In 1971-72, in       THE WILDERNESS YEARS
      season  City  were  again  in  a  champi-  points  off  of  the  top  side.  A  second   a cup run that started in the first qual- A public meeting in the town had raised
      onship  race  although  they  eventually   Southern League Cup win was howev-       ifying  round,  City  reached  the  first  a  considerable  sum  of  money  that
      finished  fourth.  However,  Nuneaton   er  achieved  by  defeating  Barnet  over   round proper where they faced fellow  could be used in the right circumstanc-
      Borough  were  beaten  over  two-legs   two legs.                                   Southern League side Dover. City won  es to assist in resurrecting the City. Af-
      to clinch the Southern League Cup for       A memorable FA Cup run                  in  a  replay  and  were  drawn  away  to  ter the failure at Dorking, an attempt

      the first time. In 1963-64 City finished   In 1967-68 Guildford embarked upon       Shrewsbury Town in the second round.  to resurrect the club via a Guildford &
      fourth, with Dave Barrett contributing   a memorable FA Cup run. In the First       A train was chartered to take the trav- Worplesdon side was thwarted by in-
      24  league  goals.  In  1964-65  the  club   Round City were drawn away to Brent-   elling City fans, but despite a memo- adequate playing facilities at both the
      were  again  perilously  close  to  lifting   ford and were leading 2-1 when the tie   rable goal from Terry Dyson City lost  University  and  Worplesdon’s  Recre-
      the Southern League title. City finished   was  abandoned  due  to  a  snowstorm.   2-1. The following season City visited  ation  Ground.  Council  promises  of  a
      as  runners-up  to  Weymouth  by  two   The teams reassembled days later and        Watford in the First-Round proper. In a  replacement ground at Slyfield came to
      points but were undone during Decem-  again Guildford stepped up achieving a        cracking cup-tie Watford advanced to  nothing. During the 1980’s there were
      ber when they failed to win one of their   2-2 draw. The replay at Joseph’s Road    the next round 4-2.                   several attempts to re-kindle interest in
      five  matches.  In  a  memorable  strike   on a Monday in December saw a clas-           The rug was finally pulled       a  re-birth  of  the  club.  The  Guildford
      partnership Dave Barrett and John Ste-  sic FA Cup tie under the lights.  7,289     Off  of  the  pitch  the  Josephs  Road  City  Appeals  Committee  still  existe-
      vens  scored  43  league  goals  between   fans  crammed  into  Josephs  Road  to   ground  had  been  sold  in  1969.  and  dand in 1996                               Continued...
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