Page 19 - Raynes Park Vale v Guildford City
P. 19

Wins were few and far between  day of the season. However, 12 games   of a ground record 545 spectators. At  matches  played.  The  2020-21  season
 The  follow  up  Southern  League  sea- into the 2015-16 season and with City   the season’s end Dormer chose to leave  started  a  month  late  in  September.
 son in 2013-14 was a lot tougher. The  having  only  recorded  four  wins,  Don   the club and take on the manager’s role  City’s  performances  in  the  FA  Vase
 manager and many of the players had  Chislett  resigned  as  manager.  Former   at Fleet Town.  were the highlights in a season that had
 departed to take up a new challenge at  Godalming  &  Farncombe  manager   Season started well  threatened relegation. The FA Vase run
 Chipstead FC. To substantially add to  Dean Thomas stepped into the manag-  Former  Merrow  manager  Chris  Bal- to the third round was the club’s best
 the challenge the FA moved City side- ers shoes in September 2015 and made   chin  was  appointed  as  Dormer’s  re- since  2010-11.    In  December  2020,
 ways  into  Southern  League  Division  an  instant  impact  with  a  5-3  victory   placement  in  May  2017.    The  2017- Chris Balchin left the club after three
 One  South  &  West;  a  division  geo- against  Raynes  Park  Vale.  Building   2018 season started well with six wins  years in charge following a run of poor
 graphically based in Bristol and Som- a  team  for  a  competitive  league  took   in the first seven games, including FA  performances.
 erset. Former Kingstonian player Dean  time  for  Thomas  with  many  players   Cup  victories  against  Newport  IOW
 Thomas took on what was a huge chal- coming and going, but the core of the   and  Camberley  Town. A  final  league
 lenge. Wins were few and far between,  squad  remained  constant  with  striker   finish  of  12th  was  an  improvement
 but the side were competitive at home  Matt  Anton  scoring  important  goals   but  overall,  still  disappointing.  Dan
 at  the  Spectrum.    On  the  road  there  that saw City finish a respectable 14th   Stewart, whose goals had played a big
 were  some  heavy  beatings  including  position.  part in 2014-15’s escape from relega-
 a  disastrous  12-0  defeat  at  Merthyr   City get off to a great start  tion, scored 27 goals in 46 appearanc-
 Town.  Dean  Thomas  resigned  at  the  In 2016-17 Thomas was joined by Ste-  es. Because of a major refurbishment
 end of October, and Kevin Rayner re- ve  Dormer  as  his  assistant  manager.   to the athletics track at the Spectrum,
 turned to try and save the team from  With record sponsorships providing in-  the 2018-19 season saw home matches
 relegation.  Form  did  improve  and  come City were able to recruit a strong   principally  being  played  at  the  home   2021-PRESENT
 doubles  were  achieved  over  Bishops  team. In demand strikers Perry Coles   of Godalming Town. A seventh-place  In  January  ex-Staines  Town  manag-
 Cleeve, Fleet Town and Taunton Town.  and Matt Glass were signed, along with   finish was a further improvement, but  er  Paul  Barnes  was  appointed  to  the
 Going into the last month of the season  a number of players with Step Four ex-  inconsistency  prevented  a  higher  fin- manager of Guildford City. The league
 survival was a real prospect. But a bad  perience. City get off to a great start to   ish. During the season the impressive  season had been abandoned in Decem-
 run hit at the wrong time, and with just  the season with some impressive wins   young goalkeeper Liam Beach moved  ber  owing  to  the  pandemic  and  three
 two points out of the last 24 City were  and a memorable FA Cup tie at Bog-  on  to  Farnborough  Town,  and  Kyen  months  after  his  appointment  Barnes
 relegated.   nor Regis played in front of a crowd of   Nicholas finished as top scorer with 17  took charge of his first match.
 Hopes were high  396. In September Dean Thomas rather   goals in 25 appearances.    Full restructure of the club
 Hopes  were  high  in  2014-15  that  the  surprisingly left the club to manage at   Hit by Covid-19  During the close season, Guildford City
 club could make a swift return to Step  his hometown Godalming Town. Ste-  The 2019-20 and the 2020-21 seasons  undertook a full restructure of the club.
 Four. But the team under achieved and  ve Dormer took over the role of First   were both heavily hit by Covid-19 re- The management group was added to
 with the team in the relegation places  Team manager until the end of the sea-  strictions,  and  neither  season  reached  with  experience  both  in  business  and
 Kevin Rayner departed the club in No- son. At the end of the season City had   its conclusion. The earlier of the sea- football administration. A major theme
 vember to be replaced by local coach- finished  a  disappointing  16th  in  the   sons had seen Guildford positioned in  is to strengthen links with the commu-
 es Donovan Chislett and Phil Bowers.  league. One highlight though had seen   a disappointing 17th position when the  nity and a women’s team will be added
 Chislett  decided  to  put  his  faith  in  Guildford appearing in the semi-finals   lockdown came. Goalscoring had been  to the club for 2021-22. The club will
 youth,  and  he  led  City  to  a  remarka- of the Surrey Senior Cup, where they   a  particular  problem  as  the  side  had  also have a management trust that will
 ble escape from relegation on the last  played Woking at the Spectrum in front   scored just 28 goals in their 31 league  administer the community role.
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