Page 20 - Raynes Park Vale v Guildford City
P. 20
Raynes Park Blues Dom
Why RPV? I could see the floodlights
from my bedroom window.
Fav RPV player? Anyone who pulls
on the blue & yellow. From the old
RPV would be Jack Williamson, Berti
Marti Pique, Conor Turner & Ato
Eku. From the new current RPV I’d
say Louie Downey is playing well.
Best Thing about matchdays? Seeing
the steady improvements around the
place. Winning (Hate losing).
Best RPV memory? August 2017 1st
home game of the season. We were
1-0 down to Cove and we had new home kit that I designed, sponsored
ritten by Jeff Beck Group keyboardist Max Middleton, Raynes and paid for. Jack Williamson turned in the box and blasted the ball into
WPark Blues featured on the group's 1971 Rough And Ready al- the roof of the net, ball nearly going over my head. 1st goal in the new
bum. Raynes Park Blues was composed whilst Middleton was living in kit in the sun, we win 5-1. Good day. Love the purity of non league foot-
Raynes Park. On the original US release the number was attributed to ball, love standing anywhere you want. Love the drama & passion of the
Jeff Beck but on subsequent releases was renamed Max's Tune and cred- games, love supporting my home town team.
ited to Middleton. Rough And Ready was Max Middleton's debut with
the Jeff Beck Group and his jazz influences took the Blues oriented Jeff
Beck into a new and more diverse direction.
Middleton, a former London docker, has recorded and toured with
Kate Bush, Snowy White, Nazareth, Chris Rea and John Martyn
amongst others. and is still active today .
Listen to the track here: Jeff Beck Group
- Max's Tune (aka Raynes Park Blues)