Page 16 - Raynes Park Vale v Guildford City
P. 16

Godalming Town FC applied to it for    Ground share with Cranleigh FC               Rayner would go on to be both Guild- same thing again. That is what Kevin
      a  donation  towards  ground  improve- In  2003/04  AFC  Guildford  were            ford’s most successful and long serv- Rayner’s  side  did,  this  time  winning
      ments.    Controversially  a  substantial  crowned  champions  of  Division  One    ing manager of the reborn club.       the  2011-12  championship  by  one
      grant was made to Godalming for the  and gained their first senior level hon-                     2010-2020               point from Windsor in the runners-up
      installation of a main stand and flood- our. The first such honour for the sen-     After  some  16  months  squad  build- spot.  The  title  was  finally  put  out  of
      lights.  The  grant  was  made  on  the  ior Guildford side since 1971. Promo-      ing,  and  with  a  number  of  his  for- Windsor’s  reach  on  14  April  2012
      understanding  that  the  club  name  be  tion  was  obtained  into  the  Combined   mer youth team graduates in the side,  when City beat Raynes Park Vale 4-2 at
      changed  to  Guildford  &  Godalming  Counties  Premier  Division,  and  the        Kevin Rayner and his team set out on  the Spectrum. This time City were not
      FC. After the grant was made Godalm- club  had  to  ground  share  with  Cran-      a  remarkable  2010-11  season.  It  was  denied  the  promotion  they  deserved.
      ing insisted on their name taking prec- leigh FC whilst the Spectrum pitch was      a  season  that  saw  both  league  suc- Three  goal  scorers  led  the  way:  Dan
      edence. This did not sit well with City  brought up to the necessary standard.      cess in winning the Combined League  Moody with 32, Austin Gacheru with
      people who remembered the end of Jo- In early November 2004, AFC Guild-             Championship,  but  also  exciting  cup  31 and Joel Hughes with 18. The cap-

      sephs Road and the move to Dorking.  ford returned to their home ground at          runs in both the FA Cup and FA Vase.  tain Simon Cooper and Elvis Defreitas,
      The use of the appeal fund at Godalm- the town’s leisure centre.                    The title was won at Ash United on 25  Gacheru, Anthony Hall, Corey Holder,
      ing was controversial and it seemed the   An absence of over 30 years               April  2011  when  in  a  nervy  display  Moody and Ben Rayner were all near
      last chance to get senior football back  In 2005 the club changed its name to       City won 3-2. The league was won by  ever-present.
      in  Guildford  had  gone.  Godalming  Guildford United, but quickly acquired        three  points  from  Chertsey  Town  in  Made a remarkable start
      played as Godalming & Guildford un- the name of Guildford City. The once            second place.  In the FA Cup Guildford  Having  achieved  promotion  City
      til the end of the 2004-05 season when  famous  name  had  returned  to  senior     had provided a big shock by winning  played their inaugural Step Four sea-
      they reverted to Godalming Town.      football  after  an  absence  of  over  30    at  Isthmian  League  Premier  division  son  in  the  Southern  League  Division
                   1996-2009                years.                                        Tonbridge Angels. In front of a 500+  One  Central. An  early  win  at  Slough
      At the same time that the Godalming         Finished as runners-up                  crowd,  an  88th  minute  Joel  Greaves  Town in front of 231 spectators opened
      move was being completed there were  In the two seasons 2004-06 the side fin-       goal clinched the tie much to the cha- many  people’s  eyes,  and  Guildford
      moves  in  another  direction.  Burpham  ished comfortably mid table. But twice     grin of the Kent side. In the FA Vase,  made a remarkable start to the season
      FC on the fringe of Guildford wanted  at the end of the decade City were for-       City reached the Fourth Round before  winning their first seven league match-
      to play at a higher level but their fa- tunate to be reprieved after finishing in   going out in extra-time to Suffolk side  es. In the process they were Southern
      cilities didn’t match the level required.  the relegation positions.  Between the   Leiston. Over the season Joel Greaves  League team of the month for August,
      As  a  result,  and  after  a  long  period  two poor  seasons  though in  2007-08,   contributed 33 goals: a record for the  and were top of the league in October,
      of discussions, the Guildford club re- City, under the management of former         reborn club at senior level. Ultimate- and still in the promotion places in late
      emerged  as  AFC  Guildford  in  1996  Woking  pair  Scott  Steele  and  Lloyd      ly the League success was bittersweet  November.  The  bubble  was  always
      when  the  then  Mayor  of  Guildford  Wye, did finished as runners-up in the       however, as the club’s promotion was  likely  to  burst  and  mid-season  there
      John  Woodhatch  persuaded  Burpham  Combined Counties Premier Division.            controversially denied due to the Spec- was a run of nine games without a win.
      FC to change its name and move to the  The champions that year were Merst-          trum failing a ground grading inspec- But rally the team did and their final
      Spectrum Leisure Centre. AFC Guild- ham who finished 28 points clear of the         tion,  despite  a  verbal  acknowledge- ninth place finish remains their highest
      ford played that first season in the Sur- field! In the final year of the decade a   ment that the ground was satisfactory.  since the rebirth in 1996. Dan Moody
      rey  Premier  League  at  intermediate  former Croydon Athletic U18 manager              It takes something special       again top scored with 30 goals, whilst
      level where they remained until qual- took the reigns with his assistant Roly       After  pulling  out  all  the  stops  on  the  Simon  Cooper,  Anthony  Hall,  Junior
      ifying for the newly created Combined  Martin.  This  was  Kevin  Rayner  who       pitch  but  then  being  denied,  it  takes  Kaffo, Moody, Ben Rayner and Jamie
      Counties League.                      turned  out  to  be  an  inspired  choice.    something special to go out and do the  Thoroughgood.                      Continued...
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