Page 11 - Raynes Park Vale v Camberley Town
P. 11
The club was established in 1895 trict League in
after a discussion at St Michael's 1903. The club
church, and was originally named finished as
St Michael's Football Club, al- runners-up
though they became known as St in their first
Michael's, Camberley. The first season and
match, a friendly, was played on went on to
16 October against D Company win the league in The Camberley & Yorktown team of 1904–05
from the Royal Military College 1904–05. They were runners-up again
in nearby Sandhurst; St Michael's in 1905–06, before winning a hat-trick winning the league's Charity Cup in he moved to the Isle of Man in 1988.
won 4–2. of successive titles in 1907–08, 1908–09 1951–52 with a 4–3 win over Chertsey In 1984 the Athenian League disband-
Surrey Junior Cup and 1909–10, remaining unbeaten Town. The club were league runners-up ed; Camberley rejoined the Isthmian
In January 1896 they joined the Surrey throughout the third of the title-win- again in 1961–62, and adopted their League and were placed in Division
County Football Association, entering ning seasons. The season also saw them current name on 2 June 1967 after Two South, where they remained until
and winning the Surrey Junior Cup in win the Surrey Junior Cup for a second merging with former Parthenon League being placed in Division Three fol-
1897–98; the club's first competitive time, beating Sutton United 2–0 in the club Camberley Wanderers. In 1973 lowing league reorganisation in 1991.
game was played on 16 October 1897, final. In 1910 Camberley & Yorktown they joined the Spartan League, but left In 1998–99 the club reached the first
a Junior Cup first round match against returned to the East & West Surrey to join Division Two of the Athenian round of the FA Cup for the first time.
Farncombe which St Michael's won League, which had been renamed the League in 1975. In 1977 they switched Drawn against away to Third Division
5–2. After winning the cup, the club West Surrey League. In 1912–13 the to Division Two of the Isthmian League, Brentford, they lost 5–0. Division Three
joined the East & West Surrey League club also entered the three-club Alder- and were promoted to Division One became Division Two in 2002, and
for the 1898–99 season. shot Senior Civilian League, which they after finishing as Division Two run- Camberley remained members until the
Ascot & District League won. They went on to win the West ners-up in 1978–79. Two seasons later end of the 2005–06 season, when they
In January 1901 a public meeting was Surrey League the following season. they were relegated, and after a single dropped into the Premier Division of
held, at which it was decided to estab- After World War II season back in Division Two, they re- the Combined Counties League. They
lish a new club that would absorb both In 1922 Camberley & Yorktown were joined the Athenian League, which now were runners-up in the division in
St Michael's and Camberley Magpies. founder members of the Surrey Sen- had a single division. 2013–14 and 2014–15.
The name Camberley & Yorktown was ior League. They won three successive Rick Wakeman
adopted and the club took St Mi- titles in 1930–31, 1931–32 and 1932–33 In 1983 Rick Wakeman became the
chael's place in the East & West Surrey and were runners-up in 1938–39. After club's chairman while he was living
League.However, they dropped into World War II the club was renamed in Camberley. He remained in this
the Aldershot Combination in 1902, Camberley, and were Surrey Senior post until 1986 when he was elected
before switching to the Ascot & Dis- League runners-up in 1946–47, before Vice-President, and left the club when