Page 16 - Raynes Park Vale v Camberley Town
P. 16

continued from previous page...       a ‘mare. Hug or hairdryer?                    between  team  mates  and  being  the  JG: I love karaoke and we’ve had
      brothers who all play football at a  JG: It does depend on who the striker          manager. You want be get involved  some cracking initiations in pre sea-
      good level, through all the highs and  is. But normally for me it would be          in everything like the banter, jokes  son. The boys love a sing-song!
      lows of football. Without them we  a big hug (I’m a big softy really)! So           but understand some things you can’t  "Merry Christmas Everybody" by
      wouldn’t be where we are now. All  I would tell him he’s great and it will          because you are the manager and if  Slade Or "Ain’t No Mountain High
      the  sacrifices  they’ve  made  for  us  come or I’ll drag him haha.                they cross the line then you are the  Enough" by Marvin Gaye.
      has been incredible. The two most                                                   one that has to be the party pooper.
      amazing people in my eyes. My three  ITV: Favourite footballing film?               Best thing is that I am the one that  Thank you to everyone at Raynes
      brothers are also a big part with sup-  JG: I have a few; Goal, Kicking and         decides how we play and what we  Park Vale for being so supportive.
      porting me, especially as I’m the  Screaming, Remember the Titans                   are going to do, if that’s tactics, train-  Here’s to an exciting adventure!
      worst footballer in the family haha.  (that’s American football though).            ing, other events. I am very into my
      They’ve been my best coaches. I learn  All great football films and a good          coaching  and managing so  have
      from them everyday. Growing up I  mix.                                              things I want to do and try and I can
      watched Frank Lampard and John                                                      do that here. We have a good group
      Terry! I loved their relationship and  ITV: You spent time at the Chelsea           and they understand that I’m new to
      the way they both played.             Academy  -  what  lessons  did  you           the role and they trust me which is
                                            learn from there?                             important. A lot of the players I’ve
      ITV: RPV have always had ambi-        JG:  I’ve had  three  brothers  that all      played with or against as well. They
      tion. We’ve seen some huge changes  played at Chelsea Academy, Fulham               know if they are out of line they are
      over the last couple of years - what  Academy and AFC Wimbledon, this               getting kicked in training!
      is your ambition for Josh Gallagher  is where I’ve learned most. From all
      and Raynes Park Vale?                 their experiences on things to work           ITV: What attracted you to the RPV
      JG: I wasn’t expecting a lot coming  on, the highs and the lows I’ve gained         job?
      into the interview as I’m young my-   from  them.  Wherever  I’ve  gone  as         JG: What the club was about is what
      self for a manager and this is my first  a player or workplace I’ve taken the       attracted me here. The close togeth-
      managerial job at first team level. But  good bits and tried them myself.           erness, never-give-up attitude is what
      after talking to the board it was clear  With the bad experiences I’ve made         got me excited about the job. There is
      they have ambition and I wanted to  sure I don’t bring them into what I             a family feel to the club, everyone is
      be part of that. I want to go as far as  do.                                        so close and supportive and I got that
      I can with my football management,                                                  as soon as I got here. Like I said be-
      it’s something I love doing. So for me  ITV: Player-managers - Pros and             fore and it doesn’t happen often but
      I want to take Raynes Park Vale as far  cons?                                       we have players that have been here
      as I possibly can. That can be on the  JG: Good question. I know people             6/7 years. You want players and the
      pitch or off the pitch, I want to have a  that have been successful in the same     people at the club feel part of some-
      positive effect on the players and the  role like Jamie Day at Welling United       thing and that’s what I want to carry
      club itself. For me that’s success.   who my brother played for so I asked          on here.
                                            him what was he like, what did he do
      ITV:  Half-time dressing room, 2-0  to be successful?                               ITV:  It's  the RPV  Xmas  party -
      down and your key striker is having  The hardest things are the balance             what's your karaoke song?
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