Page 15 - Raynes Park Vale v Camberley Town
P. 15

CLUB NEWS  managers  and  their  ways  of  doing  with  the youth  system, clubhouse,
      things.                               ground just making the football club
 Josh Gallagher  ITV: What is a trademark Josh Gal-  an even better place to be.

      lagher approach to a league match?    ITV:  The  last  two  seasons  haven’t
 For this, our first edition of 'Into   JG: My trademark approach to games  seen the best performances and re-
 The Vale' of the 21/22 season we   is a full on winning mentality but we  sults from RPV. You will have done
 wanted to give a big welcome to   want to entertain as well so we want  your research on this - what do you
 our new manager Josh Gallagher.   to be enjoyable to watch at the same  identify as contributory factors to
 Josh comes to RPV from Dork-  time. With that I want the players to  these results and performances?
 ing Wanderers with a fine play-  be happy as well, that’s important for  How does a manager like yourself
 ing and technical background.  me.         begin to turn these around?
                                            JG: For me it’s important the people
 We had planned to send in our tough-  ITV: For fans who don’t know you  you  bring  into  the  club  so  you  can
 est contributor to grill the new boss   what’s the Josh Gallagher footballing  add to what you already have in it. I
 in the kind of on-screen, in-your-face   and winning philosophy?  have no idea why the last couple of
 interview that has Premier League   JG: Winning philosophy for me is to  years they didn’t do so well. But for
 managers throwing their branded   have a good dressing room and enjoy  me, the people I bring into the club
 water bottles at reporters or stomp-  every part of the game.  have to fit what we want to do. My
 ing off in tears to renegotiate another    management team are fantastic at
 six-million severance deal. Josh Gal-  ITV: Ex-Spurs, Liverpool and Wim-  what they do and they are great with
 lagher, it turns out, is not that kind   bledon player John Scales has joined  people which really benefits us, we
 of man. Although we couldn't get a  Dan and Conor Gallagher (my other   RPV in a Director of Football role -  create a good atmosphere within the
 face-to-face interview due to the (Ar-  brothers) Absolute Dream Team!   how do you envisage working with  group. We also have a good blend of
 rgghhh!!!) COVID restrictions we   John and how is this relationship go-  players that have been here for 5/6
 decided to give him a damn hard, on- ITV: Matchday dress-style? Mancini   ing to benefit RPV?  years so know what the club is about
 line grilling for the fans. Turns out  or Southgate?  JG: John has been great. We’ve spoken  inside out, blend that with the qual-
 he's a tough nut to crack!!  JG: Tough one as I’m old school and   a fair few times and he’s been really  ity and characters that will improve
 wear shorts with long socks! If I had   supportive and positive. I’ve asked  the squad if it’s that winning mental-
 Into The Vale: If you could bring any  to choose I’ll go with Southgate, I   him  some  questions  and  he’s  given  ity, professionalism or just all round
 world  player to RPV  who  would it  liked his waistcoat.   me some good advice which I’ve tak-  quality on the pitch. If you get it right,
 be? And why?  en on. In the early stages I want to use  you could be onto something.
 Josh Gallagher: Any world player to  ITV: Is if true that some managers   him for his experience and knowl-
 RPV would be my twin Jake Gallagh-  have read a book? What was your   edge for how successful teams he’s  ITV: Who’s your footballing inspira-
 er. He’s currently at Maidstone and  last one?  been involved in have had that suc-  tion?
 doing a bit of coaching with us. Any-  JG: Yeah it’s true, you can learn a lot   cess and little details that could make  JG: My football inspiration is my
 one that’s played with him will know  from a book. The last one I read was   a big difference to the team. As time  Family.  Dad  and  mum  have  always
 why. He’s a natural leader and born  a book called The Managers funnily   goes on, I want to help and ask John  been there for me and my three
 winner. If anyone else I would have  enough. All about different football   about helping the club as a whole,   continued...
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