Page 24 - Raynes Park Vale v Camberley Town
P. 24
James Smith than the previous as we all demand high matchday
quality & effort from each other. There’s
great experience across the team and I’m
hoping to learn as much as I can from the
players who’ve played at higher levels. Off market
the pitch, the chaps are just as good as
they are on it. Great banter, phenomenal
singers but unfortunately all very poor at
talking to girls on a night out.
Day Job: Chartered Accountant working Childhood team: Birmingham City FC
in Transactions Advisory
Favourite Player: Ben Foster. It’s a rogue
Where am I from: Johannesburg, South answer but I love his story (and that he
Africa played during my favourite season as a
Blues fan)! Starting in non-league before
Favourite Quote: It’s not the size of the rising up the ranks. Great kicking & shot
dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in stopping. Plus he’s everything and more
the dog. (Mark Twain) when it comes to that “goalkeeping per-
Pre-match Tune: Feel It - The Tamperer
& Maya Best looking team member: Best of a bad
bunch - Ben Harrison just nicks it as he
What brought you to RPV: A close friend has the best first team photo. That smile.
who used to play centre-back at the Vale
asked me to come play on a cold Tuesday Best player: I’m going to live to regret
night in Egham after the existing keeper this, but Seanan McKillop is my answer.
got injured. I fell in love with the cama- If only he worked slightly harder off the
raderie and never-say-die attitude shown. ball, had better knees and focussed on
Real underdogs at the time, only for us to football as much as he focuses on his
go and finish 5th in the league that sea- WhatsApp group chat, then maybe he On matchdays there will be stalls around the decking
son! could’ve gone pro. serving an array of delicious food for your delectation.
What keeps you at RPV: The team as- Worst dressed: Feel as though this will be Pizza, hot drinks, burgers, cakes, and even ice cream
sembled by the gaffer on the pitch & a popular choice following a recent team (weather permitting) will all be available.
sideline have been a dream to play for. night out, but it’s Callum Hope. Table
Each training session more challenging cloths cannot be worn as a shirt!