Page 29 - Raynes Park Vale v Camberley Town
P. 29
ow long is it going to be before we can stop mentioning the c-word in
Hevery conversation, programme, match-report and notice? To say that
COVID-19 (by the way...when did it stop being 'Coronavirus' and, instead,
started to sound like a black-ops Mossad hit-squad??)
has nicked all the headlines is a bit like saying
that the RPV pitch used to have a reputation
for being a tad muddy! But that doesn't
mean we have to let it stop the football,
right? RIGHT???!!!
Here in the stands we are looking at a bright
new manager in the form of Josh Gallagher.
Having seen him in motivational action with
the lads in the summer break (from the com-
fort of the club bar, for yours truly) we can tell you
that we have a manager with the fire and enthusiasm to set Vale on track for
great things and his opening game against Fisher FC suggests that 'Under
New Management' is going to be a good message for us.
If you are interested in: We're also hearing rumours of a new, bigger and better 'Into The Vale'
• Running social media accounts and website live updates on matchday programme with international football writers, a Cherry Red mu-
matches and scores (Tuesday evening and Saturday afternoons). sic page, competitions and a regular column from our new manager!
• Writing up match reports. Oh...and it looks like we've got a new beer sponsor in the form of local
Or: brewers By The Horns. In the interest of providing maximum information
• Matchday announcing with music, team lineups, subs and to you all, Doris and myself have been sampling the goods and we think
scorers. that...hmmm...maybe we might need to try a few more, just to be sure. Bar-
Get in touch!
Sid & Doris Bonkers