Page 26 - Raynes Park Vale v Camberley Town
P. 26

COMBINED COUNTIES FOOTBALL LEAGUE                                                  Isthmian League, whilst at the bottom end of  with a total of 42 member clubs and now
                                                                                          the league, arrangements had been made to  with two senior divisions.
          he Combined Counties League can                                                 accept clubs from the Surrey Premier at the   Season 2006–07 saw a major restructuring
      Ttrace its existence back to 1922 when                                              expense of the bottom club.           of the league with a number of new clubs
      the Surrey Senior League was formed. The                                             The 1990s saw the Combined Counties-  from the now-defunct Ryman’s second divi-
      present title was not adopted until 1979. The                                       League get stronger with the acceptance of a  sion being accepted and a number of clubs
      first champions in 1922–23 were Egham,                                              number of sides from Isthmian and Spartan  being relegated from the league.
      with Carshalton Athletic as runners-up.                                             leagues. Clubs have also been accepted from   2011–12  saw  the  first  non-mainland side
       Farnham United Breweries were champi-                                              the old Chiltonian League which no longer  join the league when Guernsey were elected
      ons twice and runners-up twice to Epsom                                             exists.  The  new  millennium  has  seen  the  to the 1st Division.
      Town between 1923–27. Camberley & York-                                             league spreading it’s net further and further   Season 2018–19 witnessed Chertsey Town
      town were the first club to record a hat-trick
      of championship wins between 1930–33.
      The Second World War brought the Surrey
      Senior League to a close between 1939–46.  League championship at least once. In 1968–
      Farnham United Breweries were champions  69 a second division was formed which was
      twice and runners-up twice to Epsom Town  known as Division One, with the original
      between 1923–27. Camberley & Yorktown  league becoming the Premier Division. As
      were the first club to record a hat-trick of  the majority of clubs forming Division One
      championship wins between 1930–33. The  were junior sides there was no automatic
      Second World War brought the Surrey Sen-  promotion and relegation between the divi-
      ior League to a close between 1939–46. Af-  sions. After three seasons Division One was
      ter the war newcomers to league in 1946–47  disbanded and the league continued as be-
      included Chertsey Town, Devas Institute,  fore.
      Lagonda Sports, who after several name   Early in the 1970’s Farnham Town and       The Camberley & Yorktown team of 1904–05, one of the founders of the Surrey Senior League. Wiki
      changes became Petters Sports, Leatherhead  Farnborough Town joined the Spartan     with clubs from Oxon and Sussex joining the  becoming the first-ever CCL team to win the
      and Worcester Park. Leatherhead took the  League. In an attempt to attract clubs from   ranks. The Combined Counties is certainly  F.A. Vase at Wembley.
      league by storm winning the championship  outside the county, the Surrey Senior League   living up to its name.            Season 2019/20 saw the Jersey Bulls join-
      four times between 1946–50. After finishing  was renamed the Home Counties League in   For the 2002–03 season, AFC Wimbledon  ing the league.
      second in 1949–50 Banstead Athletic took  1978–79. However there were objections to   joined the league. The new club, having only   Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the 2019/20
      over the role as most consistent club. They  the new title and the current title, Combined   been formed a month or two earlier put fresh  season was abandoned, with no teams either
      were champions for the next four seasons  Counties League was adopted for the 1979–  life into the league with an enthusiasm never  being promoted or relegated.
      and never finished lower than second be-  80 season.                                seen before. Wherever they played they set
      tween 1949–59.                         In 1981–82 the league was split into East    new club attendance records bringing much
       In the 1960s a number of sides switched to  and West sections, with Ash United beating   needed finances to every club.
      the Spartan League they included Molesey,  Malden Town in the play-off. Since 1982   Season 2003–04 saw yet another develop-
      Chertsey Town, Addlestone, Hampton, Ban-  the league has reverted back to one division.   ment to the league with the amalgamation
      stead Athletic and Feltham. Most of these  The Combined Counties league reached an   of the Surrey Premier League. This made the
      clubs had previously won the Surrey Senior  agreement to become a feeder league for the   Combined Counties a much stronger force   Cherry Red Records are the League's main sponsors
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