Page 31 - Raynes Park Vale v Camberley Town
P. 31
MA TCH REPORT with some good RPV blocks. A nig- utes of added time remaining the vis-
gly period saw a yellow card for Len- itors retained a tenacious grip on the
FISHER FC 0 nart Hein and some close and way- match with some clever play to kill
ward efforts on goal from both teams off the tie at 0-1.
RA YNES P ARK V ALE 1 that ultimately led to naught and the Maybe not the prettiest win of the
day but one that was undoubtably
sides went in to the break at 0-0.
Inch-perfect assist
well-deserved. The new Vale boss
FA Cup • Sat 7th of August 2021 • St Paul’s Sports Ground With Fisher playing to their vocal may not have been ecstatic at the
Dockers’ End after the restart, the manner of a slightly ugly win (itself
Maybe not the prettiest win of the day but well-deserved home team missed what should have a testament to his high standards and
This was the big one. The first game greater experience on this kind of been an easy chance to take the lead ambition for the club) but, neverthe-
of any season is always the one that pitch. Fisher also have an impres- but, moments later, on 53 minutes less, a win it was - and an important
lays down the marker, gives belief to sive record and a home environment a well-executed counter-attack saw one on a number of levels.
players and fans alike, or sets nerves that can be intimidating to the easi- Raynes Park slot in a peach of a goal
jangling but this one…this was the ly-scared. Luckily Vale weren’t. courtesy of Jordan Gallagher with an Goalscorer, Jordan Gallagher
perfect storm: opening match of the inch-perfect assist from Josh Ano.
season proper, away from home, FA Fisher raised the pressure on the RPV
Cup (no ‘we’ll beat them when we goal without creating much in the
play at home’ second chances) and, way of chances and a further period
best of all, the new manager with his of ill-tempered challenges led to a se-
new(ish) squad, new management ries of free-kicks that did nothing to
team and new ethos…no pressure at alter the game until a challenge from
all! Nathan Lewis on Fisher’s Michael
A real feel-good start Sarpong that was certainly careless
Josh Gallagher has had lots of good but, inevitably, made worse by the
stuff to say about his arrival at RPV speed of the playing surface, saw the Press to play
(see elsewhere in this issue of ‘Into Vale player sent off. A wholly unnec-
The Vale’ for more from Josh) and de- essary altercation stemming, proba-
cent results in pre-season friendlies bly, from Fisher’s frustration, boiled
have given the club a real feel-good over when Fisher's Lennart Hein
start but now it was time to put the impetuously threw Louie Downey
team and the manager to the test. to the floor and gave the referee no
Fisher FC came to this tie off the option to but to present the defender
back of an impressive run - 1 loss in A quick start helped by the fast, wet with a second yellow thus granting
10 games, including two 5-0 victories surface saw some early chances with Fisher the shortest of player-number
against Forest Hill Park and Rusthall both keepers being called in to ac- advantages.
FCs and were at home playing on the tion within the opening minutes and Fisher continued to pressure the
3G surface that was always going to some Fisher pressure coming in the Vale goal but, despite their efforts,
be more forgiving to a side with the form of early corners that were met the RPV line held and with five min-