Page 3 - Raynes Park Vale vs Balham 02-04-22
P. 3

 Raynes Park Vale FC was formed in 1995
 following the merger of Raynes Park and
 Malden Vale (formed 1967).

 1928 to 1995
              o-one ever said that the CCL was boring!
 Southern Railway Football Section -
 Raynes Park FC  RAYNES PARK VALE FC  NIf  you were lucky enough to be at Grand
          Drive on Tuesday night under the dazzling new

 Raynes Park FC used to be based at   Grand Drive   floodlights watching Vale take on Knaphill FC
 Taunton Avenue, SW20 at the Raynes   Raynes Park  then  you would have been watching football at its    Enzo
 Park Recreation Group until the 1995/96   Greater London  most competitive in a league where every touch
 merger.  Raynes Park FC was originally   SW20 9DZ  matters. It’s easy when your team are purring, the
 the Southern Railways Football Section   goals are hitting the back of the opposition net and
 (formed 1928) and were known as   STAFF DIRECTORY  Billy Bishop is almost having a night off in goal to forget that there
 Southern Railway until they changed   Chairman: John Dalton  are other teams, other fans and other goals than the ones that are
 name to Raynes Park FC in 1964.  The   Secretary: Paul Armour  getting the crowd cheering and chanting. Cups and leagues are
 Southern Railway Team was a victim of   Treasurer: Simon Maynard  what drive the football world - they are the end of any player’s
 the notorious 1963 Beeching spending   General Manager: Marc Skinner  ambitions.
 cuts, a national review into modernising
 the UK's railways.  Southern Railways   Manager: Josh Gallagher  Promotions and trophy cabinets
 1950's home kit was Gold and Green   Programme Editor: Mark Ferrari  Promotions and trophy cabinets are what we all want to see after
 quarters, the company colours.  Raynes   the great performances on the pitch. This is why we cannot afford
 Park FC home shirt colours were Red   TODAY'S COVER  to take our foot off the gas at Raynes Park. We have seen games
 and Black stripes (similar to AC Milan).    Jake Gallagher  jeopardized by ill-discipline, goals gone begging because play-
 Another home kit was light blue shirts   ers want to score rather than set up another player.  All of this is
 and white shorts.  Raynes Park FC ran   understandable - all players want to see the ball leave their foot or
 five senior teams on Saturdays.  The 1st
 and 2nd XI's played in the Surrey Premier   head and cross the line into the back of the net. Similarly all good
 League.  The 3rd team played in the   footballers play at the edge of the game and, combined with some
 Surrey South Eastern Combination while   occasionally dubious refereeing, pens, dangerous free-kicks, red
 the 4ths and 5ths played in the Kingston   and yellow cards are never going to be far away.  Like the wasted
 and District League.  They also ran an   attempts on goal that could have been converted
 over 35's team and youth teams aged 14   with a selfless pass the cards may not cost match-
 to 18.                      es but at this stage of the season they can cost
                                goals and right now goals might be the
 Source: Former RPV FC President,   deciding factor in the crucial final  posi-
 Robert Hallett Senior, who was         tions in the league on the final day!
 instrumental in the formation of
 both the Rayes Park and Raynes                                       Continued...
 Park Vale football clubs.
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