Page 7 - Raynes Park Vale vs Balham 02-04-22
P. 7
Match Report and he was replaced with Jordan has marked some Vale games
Gallagher. Cousin Josh must be recently. Some opportunities went
RAYNES PARK VALE 4 happy to have that kind of quality begging when a simple lay-off
on the bench and a few minutes
might have produced a fifth or a
KNAPHILL FC 0 later the wisdom of that move was sixth goal and, with the competi-
tion for the CCL South promotion
apparent as JG junior played in
CCL • Tuesday 29th March 2022 • Grand Drive, Raynes Park Louie Downey for his second of slot looking tighter than the RPV
the game and Vale’s fourth. With chairman at the bar, Vale can only
Better was expected from the players the game effectively wrapped up hope that minute goal difference
the bench lit up the board and stats don’t become the deciding
A chilly Tuesday night under Tim Obisanya and Jamie Bever- factor. But, for all that this was a
the lights was the perfect idge came on with both showing display that Vale fans are becom-
place for this game! Hot on the why they have a bright future at ing used to and that we hope Vale
heels of some mixed performances RPV. The second half was marred player don’t come to expect - a
from Vale a healthy crowd turned by some desperate tackles, a few clean sheet, four goals and Raynes
up at Grand Drive to watch the off-the-ball shenanigans and some Park firmly in control. In the RPV
locals take on Knaphill who had a loudly decried refereeing deci- bar; after the match, it was Louie
few mixed results under their belt sions but, importantly, the Vale Downey who walked away with
including a 1-1 draw against CCL team refused to rise to any provo- the JEWSON man-of-the match.
rising stars Jersey Bulls. After fal- cation and the game passed large- It would have been hard to im-
tering against an excellent Colliers ly without any of the displays of agine how much more Downey
Wood side a week before Vale had had the crowd gasping. Moody’s ill-disciplined recklessness that could have done tonight.
clearly been made aware by Josh shot sailed over the bar but fif-
Gallagher that better was expect- teen minutes later and Reece
ed from the players’ feet but also Williams-Bowers turned on the
from their mouths and heads and after-burners, broke ahead of the
after 90 minutes the Vale gather retreating Knaphill defence and -
had every reason to be pleased. to the cries of ‘WAZZZAAAAAH’
A bright start yielded results on from the Vale faithful, slotted
19 minutes when a looping Vale low past the visiting keeper. Vale
corner led to a manic scramble play-maker Nes Bellikli was hav-
in the Knaphill 6-yard box before ing his first real outing following
Louie Downey put it away to put injury and was starting to show
Raynes Park one up and just on why he has rapidly become a firm
the half-hour mark Nathan Lewis fan favourite at Grand Drive but,
headed in No.2 to send Vale into just past the hour, and with Vale
the dressing room with a healthy in good control Josh Gallagher’s
cushion. Into the second half management team clearly decided
an early attempt by Dan Moody that Bellikli could afford a break Click to view three of the goals