Page 8 - Raynes Park Vale vs Balham 02-04-22
P. 8

The Management                                                                      month. They will be huge losses, but  have struggled which just shows

                                                                                          the squad has great depth so we are   the work that has gone in to this
      In The Dug-Out                                                                      looking forward to the challenges     season. Also the work that Dan and
                                                                                                                                Chris have done so far this season
                                                                                          ahead! Enjoy your time with us and
                                                                                          get down to the rest of the home
                                                                                          games and support the team!           has been brilliant. We have looked
                                                                                                                                fit and competitive in all our games
      Think you know what the blokes                                                                        Josh Gallagher, Manager  with very few injuries! One of the
      in the tracksuits think? Think                                                                                            most pleasing things to see this
      no more as ITV corner the gaf-                                                                    ell, here we are! 3     season has been the growth of the
      fer and his luxuriantly coiffured                                                                 weeks to go until the   pitch as well in regards to the club/
      sidekick Anthony Panayi. Take it                                                                  curtain is closed.      committee and most importantly
      away gents!                                                                         WWhat a journey so                    the fans. They know who they are
                                                                                          far and some more important twists    and their support, care and time has
                    e have been a little                                                  and turns still to come, no doubt.    been first class and we are going to
                    frustrated in the week                                                Tuesdays home derby v Colliers        need every last bit of their support
                    because our perfor-                                                   Wood was an example of how            in these next few weeks to give us
      W mances haven’t been                                                               demanding this league is and has      the very best chance. Thanks again
      at the level we know we are capable                                                 been. I have felt that we have been   for your support!
      of! But this does happen and we                                                     at times our own worst enemies.       Anthony Panayi,  Assistant Manager
      have still got the results needed to                                                With the talent that we have in the
      keep us where we want to be. So we                                                  dressing room a lot of our job as
      will work hard to put this right till                                               management is to deal with the
      the end of the season. Colliers Wood                                                players and get the best out of them
      was a tough game, we knew it would                                                  to keep them hungry and compet-
      be a challenging game and would                                                     itive. So when levels have dropped
      test us. We actually defended very    ruined it in the end by simply being          we firstly always look at ourselves
      well although not being fantastic in   inconsistent. Aidan Brown has come           to see if we have missed anything
      possession. They got their small op-  in and bolstered our front line, he’ll        or need to change anything. My
      portunity and took it, unfortunately   be big for us. Timmy is back from            role this season has always been
      for us we could never get ourselves   injury this week so should see him            to support the Gaffer in anyway I
      back on top in the game, getting a    play a part in the next few games.            can. Luckily we’ve been best friends
      player sent off and then two further   Jake and Louie both have suspen-             for over 10 years and for the large
      sin bins didn’t help. So in the end   sions this week so we will have to            part have a very similar outlook on
      we fought hard for our point. I don’t   make do without them at some                football. I’m so proud of what he’s
      believe our discipline was the issue.   point this week, but Nes is also get-       done this year, in our first year in
      The referees get caught up far too    ting back to match fitness. It looks          senior management, it’s not easy.
      much in the game and feel they have  like Reece Hannigan and Archies                You would have seen other teams in
      to get involved. There was no need.   seasons are finished with knocks              this league with more experienced
      The game wasn’t heated and he         that will keep them out for the next          managers and bigger budgets who
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