Page 28 - Old Chatham Cluster_FR.May 2023
P. 28
Retaining Walls
Must conform to the RA Design Guidelines
The preferred facing materials for retaining walls is:
1. Thin-faced weathered stone (in any location) or
2. Landscaping timbers (rear or side yards)
Security Devices
Must conform to the RA Design Guidelines
Materials, style and colors should be consistent and harmonize with the materials, style and colors of the
houses in the clusters.
Must conform to the RA Design Guidelines
• Must be made of wood with a louver design
• Panel size must be identical to existing shutters on similar size windows elsewhere on the
house and other houses in the cluster
Please see color palette for approved shutter colors
Signs are limited to temporary installations and to sizes smaller than one square foot
Must conform to the RA Design Guidelines