Page 14 - TYC Magazine - Winter 2025 - Final Flipbook
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The YORI<. Club Magazine Winter 2025 Edition
Final Closing Time for Server
Kirl?J calls time on lengti?J career which Jpanned decades) neighbourhoods
Server Kirby Brady is nearing his final close shift, with
the news he will wind down his long career in hospitality
on March 29 now official. Highlights from his lengthy career include the
"I'll be an old man puttering around a garden, which King E dward H otel, Canoe, and his final stop at
suits me fine," laughed Kirby, a staple in the main dining The YORI<. Club.
room over the past few years. "We'll be focusing on travel, ''Working with John Higgins at the I<:ing Edward
lots of household things - nobody's getting younger, and Hotel, that was a turning point where I went from
serving is a young person's job." being somebody who carries plates to getting into
His final few months at The YO RK Club happily hardcore service," he reflected. "There's thousands
overlapped with brother D errick, a new addition to the of memories - Canoe bringing in seminars every
front-of-house team. day, from oyster farmers to winemakers, making
''We worked together decades ago, he was my busboy sure their servers had the knowledge.
at a restaurant called Ginsberg's that was a Chinese-Jewish "Finishing here, at this place, the people are
deli," remembered I<:irby. "It's really not much different special," summarized Kirby. ''We pride ourselves on
today - I'm still bossing him around a bit! being able to field any questions a :Member might
"He knows what to do and will be a terrific fit here." have, and that's what I like to provide."