Page 4 - TYC Magazine - Winter 2025 - Final Flipbook
P. 4
The YORI<. Club Magazine Winter 2025 Edition
Perspective of the Chair
An interview with Board if Directors Chair Mr. David W Binet
Carlos Verde (The YORK Club, CV): Mr. Binet, these CV: From the membership perspective, we're seeing
are exciting times for the Club navigating the renovation an influx of two to five Members on a monthly basis
project. What has the experience been like, at the Board right now: H ealthy wait list. What can you say to the
level, presiding over the largest project in Club history? efforts of the Membership Committee in terms of
Mr. David W Binet (DB): Well, I feel the heavier lift identifying appropriate candidates and integrating them
was already done by the Renovation Planning Committee into Club life?
under Stuart Lazier's leadership and the Chairs before DB: I think the Committee continues to do an
me - D avid Jackson and Anne Fawcett - who had to excellent job on surfacing candidates - most of them
steer the project through the membership. On my watch, come from people who are already Members, but also
it's just making sure it comes in more or less on time and some fresh names - and the Committee and the Board
on budget and we seem to be on that path. have a pretty refined process for assessing candidates. We
I inherited a good process and I just have to get it over want to ensure that when they come into the Club, they
the line with the help of very intelligent people; Monsieur feel comfortable and the Club feels comfortable
Duport's commitment is, as is always the case, invaluable. welcoming them. I think it's a good process, and the