Page 5 - TYC Magazine - Winter 2025 - Final Flipbook
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The YORI<. Club Magazine Winter 2025 Edition
(DB cont...): numbers over the last four years have been and that's good because it gives people some definition
extraordinary, with waiting lists from time to time which around the commitment. It's not a decade-long
is a sign of good health. commitment - it's a relatively short one.
We are discerning but constructive in terms of how If you belong to a Club, and you're asked to serve, it's
we admit people to the Club, and the basis for their important to serve in the interest of the Club.
admission. It's an enriching experience to be on a Committee or
CV: What is the single aspect of membership you the Board. It's not a huge lift. You meet people you may
enjoy the most? What about being a iviember of The not have othe1wise met, and that broadens your network
YORK Club brings you the most joy? of friends within the Club.
DB: I know that whenever I come to the Club, CV: Lastly, what would your message to New iviembers
whether to meet someone for a drink or come for a - eitl1er tl1ose who have recently joined, or those who
particular dinner event or talk, that I will feel welcome. will read this as part of their welcome package in the
That even if I may be coming on my own, I will be months ahead - be in terms of how best to integrate
surrounded by friends and people that I am happy to into and enjoy tl1eir time at the Club?
come to know if I do not know them already. DB: I said tlus at a reception for New Members a year
It's that sense of an immediate relationship, with ago, possibly 18 months ago, my recommendation to
people who belong to the Club. That's what defines New Members is 'just say yes'. If tl1ere is something you
being a Club. want to attend, go to it! If your Spouse doesn't want to
CV: H ave you felt any added weight since assuming go, or you do not have a Spouse, go to it regardless -
the role of Chair, given the Club's extensive history and you will be seated with people who you like, you will
those that have preceded you in the role? Do you pay feel like it was a good evening or afternoon out. Tlus
attention to those who came before? place is welcoming, it truly is a home away from home.
DB: I feel a sense of responsibility to ensure that You can come here and get engaged in tl1e spirit of
when my term is up, the administration and governan ce the place, without a lot of effort; it's a very low
of the Club gets passed on in very good health because threshold to feeling like tl1is is a place you belong.
I received it in very good health. I don't feel that as a
weight, per se, but I do feel it's a key responsibility of
the job to make sure whoever comes in after me has a
running start in the role. I feel it's a privilege! I know a
lot more about the Club than I did a year ago, and I
know many more Members than I did a year ago. I Annual General Meeting
think I'm lucky in that respect.
CV: You have served the Club extensively on the
Board and various Committees. Why is it important for Wednesday, April 23 rd
Members to get involved on that level?
DB: I had been asked to join the Board a number of o:00 p.m. Meeting
years ago, but had just changed jobs and didn't feel 6:30 p.m. Cocktails
comfortable with the time commitment.
But I was asked again several years after that; I joined 7: 15 p.m. Dinner
as a Member of the Board and Membership Committee
for a year, then in my second year I was Chair of the
Membership Committee. That was terrific to get a sense
of the process the Club uses in terms of introducing
N ew Members.
Becoming Chair is a bit of a mysterious process; the
Nominating Committee had several meetings, and I
received a call last year which I accepted.
There's a four-year term limit on Board membership