Page 36 - Renovation Project: York Club 2023
P. 36

Facility Plan

        Annually, the Club spends between $200,000 and $500,000 on capital expenditures which include building improvements,
        furniture and equipment, decoration, etc. The renovation project will resolve some of the building deficiencies (electrical, civil,
        décor), however Clubhouse conservation must continue along with other projects. The projection below forecasts future capital
        expenditures and renovations necessary to keep the clubhouse fit for future generations.

       Facility Plan                                          2026       2027        2028        2029        2030        2031        2032

       Clubhouse Conservation                               250,000     250,000     250,000     250,000     250,000     250,000          0

       Mechanical Repairs over $5,000
             - Passenger Elevator upgrade                                           250,000
             - Repairs / Maintenance                         25,000      25,000      25,000      25,000      25,000      25,000      25,000
             -  Mechanical / HVAC                            25,000      25,000      25,000      25,000      25,000      25,000      25,000

       Decorations projects
             - Ongoing Decoration/Replacement Furniture      50,000      50,000      50,000      50,000      50,000      50,000      50,000

       Art budget                                            25,000      25,000      25,000      25,000      25,000      25,000      25,000

       Fixtures & Furnishing                                 50,000      50,000      50,000      50,000      50,000      50,000      50,000

       Contingency allowance                                 50,000      50,000      50,000      50,000      50,000      50,000      50,000

       Total Capital Expenses                              475,000     475,000     725,000     475,000     475,000     475,000    225,000

   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41