Page 27 - RIIWHS204E Learner Guide
P. 27

RIIWHS204E-Work safely at heights


               Complying with safe work methods includes referring to Safe Work Method Statements.

               Accessing the SWMS for your site will be the best way to determine the tasks that you will be
               required to do in your role. Your supervisor may also issue instructions about  the tasks
               which should also be followed when provided.


               The primary purpose of a SWMS is to enable supervisors, workers and any other
               persons at the workplace to understand the requirements that have been established to
               carry out the high -risk construction work in a safe and heal thy manner. It sets out the
               work activities in a logical sequence and identifies hazards and describes control

               Most worksites require Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) to be completed prior to
               any dangerous work commencing.  A SWMS details all the steps required to perform
               each task and identifies and controls any risks associated with those tasks. Generally,
               this document will be created by the employer in conjunction with workers.

               SWMS  may  also  be  referred  to  as  Safe  Work  Procedures  (SWP),  Safe  Operating
               Procedures (SOP) or a Job Safety Analysis (JSA).

               The person responsible for carrying out the high-risk construction work is best placed to
               prepare the SWMS in consultation with workers who will be directly engaged in the Work.
               Generally,  this  means  a  SWMS  is  prepared  by  the  builder  for  their  workers,  or  by  the
               subcontractor for their workers and themselves.

               The  principal  contractor,  builder  and  subcontractors  should  consult  with  each  other  to
               determine who is in the best position to prepare the SWMS.

               Managers, contractors, leading hands and workers should all be involved in developing a
               SWMS. Consulting workers is important so they understand the detail of the SWMS and
               what they are required to do to implement and maintain risk controls. Sharing information
               and  using  the  knowledge  and  experience  of  workers  will  help  make  sure  the  work  is
               performed in accordance with the SWMS.

               If  there  is  a  Health  and  Safety  Representative  at  the  workplace  they  should  also  be
               consulted when developing a SWMS.

              Kangaroo Training Institute Pty Ltd                                                         27
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