Page 22 - RIIWHS204E Learner Guide
P. 22
RIIWHS204E-Work safely at heights
Fall prevention control methods
Safe work method statements
Work positioning systems
Fall arrest systems
Accessing and following workplace requirements will ensure that the work you are
undertaking is performed safely and compliant. Working at heights and on a scaffold higher
than two meters, basically includes you or any other person being exposed to the risk of
This may include:
Elevated plant or machinery
Access to and from elevated plant or equipment
Work performed near openings where a person may fall
Work performed near the edge where a person is at risk of falling
Work performed where there is a risk of falling through something
Work performed near or on a slippery or unstable surface
Potential hazards will be identified through a site inspection and documented in Safe
Work Method Statements (SWMS) is prescribed for all high -risk construction work.
The SWMS includes the stages of the task, hazards and control measures
SWMS identify work that is high -risk construction work
State the hazards and risks to health or safety of that work
Sufficiently describe measures to control those risks
Describe the manner in which the risk control measures are to be
By using ‘Safe Working Method Statement’ (SWMS) & ‘Take 5/ Start Card’ one can determine
the hazards associated with work.
Kangaroo Training Institute Pty Ltd 22