Page 13 - The Road to Digitalization of your Contact Center
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12    Page 13     |  Accessibility Management and Omnichannel Routing

                                           Accessibility Management and Omnichannel Routing

              Customers are approaching you via a variety of channels with a wide range of concerns, for example via email, social media or web chat.
 Accessibility Management and   If inquiries are not answered satisfactorily in a reasonable amount of time, customer satisfaction drops and companies run the risk of

              losing the customer to a competitor. How can a company keep up with this flood of data coming in and out via a wide variety of commu-
 Omnichannel Routing                         nication channels? With an end-to-end routing strategy tailored to its needs.

 Deutschland: +49 6251 8622 500 | Schweiz: +41 31 917 52 00 | USA: +1-800-917-9060 | | © 2021  Germany: +49 6251 8622 500 | Switzerland: +41 31 917 52 00 | USA: +1-800-917-9060 | | © 2021
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