Page 15 - The Road to Digitalization of your Contact Center
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Page 14     |  Accessibility Management and Omnichannel Routing  Page 15     |  Accessibility Management and Omnichannel Routing

 Routing strategy  Benefits of omnichannel

 routing      Representative regulation                                                Master call flow
 Calls, emails, chats, etc. are bundled and forwarded to the respon-

 sible customer consultant. If the customer consultant is not    • Simplified operation of service center systems with    In many companies, each customer has a dedicated personal   With the help of the master call flow concept, we offer companies
 available,  a  predefined  substitute  is  used  with  flexible  request       multiple dial-in numbers.  customer consultant whom they can contact with their concerns   the  possibility  of  processing  large  volumes  of  existing  and
 distribution.   via a personalized telephone number and email address. If the         incoming  service  numbers  using  the  same  type  of  call  distri-

 • Few master call flows in the system. Each service    personal  customer  consultant  is  not  available,  the  substitute     bution  (call  flows).  Together  with  the  customer,  we  define

 Ensuring and improving availability in the event of technical faults     number or email address defines one instance of    arrangement, which can be of varying granularity, comes into   so-called  master  „call  flows“  which  reflect  the  processes  and
 or unusual load situations is possible through intelligent routing     the master call flow.  play. It must therefore be possible to map given organizational   basic  procedures  of  the  call  distribution.  Via  corresponding
 and load balancing between the branch offices.  structures in the routing in order to ensure flexible distribution   variables  in  the  master  call  flow,  the  parameters  valid  for  the

 • The  operation  and  support  of  the  system  is    of enquiries. Existing substitution rules are either stored on the   respective service line are then read out from a database and
   simplified because the call flows are standardized.  customer‘s own systems or on the contact center system and   made  available  to  the  call  flow  for  concern  distribution.  This

              form the basis of the routing strategy. These requirements are           means that a master call flow can be completely parameterized
 • When  creating  new  service  lines,  only  one    implemented using the so-called “waterfall” routing model. In   and can be easily instantiated with additional service numbers/

   additional line has to be defined in the database    this model,  skill-based routing can also be implemented.  email  addresses,  for  example  for  upcoming  customer  and

   with all associated parameters.                                                     marketing campaigns. This not only increases the flexibility and
 Since Bucher + Suter installed this for us,                                           speed  of  implementing  new  business  requirements,  but  also

 routing is a breeze!                                                                  reduces the overall costs of operating the solution.

 Klaus Thaler, Head of Customer Excellence

 Germany: +49 6251 8622 500 | Switzerland: +41 31 917 52 00 | USA: +1-800-917-9060 | | © 2021  Germany: +49 6251 8622 500 | Switzerland: +41 31 917 52 00 | USA: +1-800-917-9060 | | © 2021
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