Page 36 - The Road to Digitalization of your Contact Center
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Page 36     |  Analytics with Microsoft Power BI                                                                                                                        Page 37     |  Analytics with Microsoft Power BI

                                                                                                                                                                                       Operation                                                                Control
              Benefits at a glance                                                           b+s Reports for CUIC

                                                                                                                                                                                       •  Data from any source and department can be integrated and             •  Focus checkbox for easy differentiation of service level
              • Holistically prepared service center data, for any analyses.                 These reports can be used as a potential basis for                                          operated by the customer itself or by Bucher + Suter in the              relevant objects.

              • Visualized and fast filtering of all available data.                         Power BI                                                                                    CCBI data model.                                                       •  Freely definable short call threshold.
              • Self-service reporting thanks to business relevant groupings.                                                                                                          •  b+s CCBI is available as a stand-alone solution or as an              •  Skill group and precision queue consolidation.
              • Intuitive UI, comprehensibility and flexibility.                             It‘s all about data – with b+s Reports for CUIC, we offer                                   add-on to b+s Reporting (call-by-call database server). In the         •  Display of data availability across all data sources.

              • Filigree measurement of smallest entities with all their global              you a sophisticated and ready-to-use reporting tool as                                      cloud solution, the Power BI Gateway is installed on a server          •  Organizational groupings (BU/OU) facilitate segmentation of

                relationships.                                                               an add-on for Cisco‘s Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC).                                   with an internet connection and delivers the data from the               rights.
              • Shared use on various devices possible (mobile, remote work).                Pre-built  and  powerful  templates  allow  you  to  effort-                                customer‘s b+s Reporting to the Power BI data model in the             •  Data-independent date and time calendar for selecting and dis
              • With the add-on variant, no additional server performance and                lessly create comprehensive reports and derive operati-                                     Microsoft Azure Cloud.                                                   playing data.

                storage space is required.                                                   onal insights and the corresponding actions.                                              •  Depending on the customer‘s Microsoft licensing, the update           •  Retention of all configured objects, even if they have been

                                                                                                                                                                                         schedule is defined, and a dedicated cloud instance is used if           deleted in the CCE.
                                                                                             For more information, please visit our product page.                                        necessary.

       Germany: +49 6251 8622 500 | Switzerland: +41 31 917 52 00 | USA: +1-800-917-9060               | | © 2021     Germany: +49 6251 8622 500 | Switzerland: +41 31 917 52 00 | USA: +1-800-917-9060               | | © 2021
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