Page 31 - The Road to Digitalization of your Contact Center
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Page 30     |  Supervisor Management  Page 31     |  Supervisor Management

 SMC cockpit  Skill Matrix  Benefits

 With the SMC cockpit, the supervisor has an overview of all cur-  Via the skill matrix, the skills (attributes) of each agent including   •  Clear user-interface specially tailored to the needs of

 rent switching states across the input channels within his area of   competence level can be adjusted. There are two types of attribu-    supervisors.
 responsibility. Intuitively with only one click, they can influence   tes:  •  User-friendly management of configurations without    Supervisor Management console demo

 and change the opening hours, call flow switches or also thres-    prior technical knowledge.
 hold values in the call flow. In this way, the supervisor can react   •  Boolean attributes: these attributes have only two values (true    •  Browser-based application, without significant

 quickly to unforeseen events without having to call the internal     and false).    installation effort.
 helpdesk first.  •  Proficiency attributes: these attributes have a skill level from 1    •  Authorization concept (multi-client capability).

   (beginner) to 10 (expert).  •  Language module for different languages.
           •  IVR announcement system incl. time control of self-                                                        Video

 Announcement management  In order to ensure an overview for larger teams, the skill matrix     recorded announcements and/or announcement
 can be narrowed down accordingly via upstream filters and arran-    selection from an announcement library.

 Announcement management provides the supervisor with two   ged  clearly  according  to  requirements.  Mass  reskilling  is  both   •  Maintenance of opening hours and holidays.

 administrative options. First, an arbitrarily expandable library of   quick and straight-forward. The default settings can be saved in   •  Multi-time zone support for international companies.
 predefined announcements that can be assigned and played   order to be able to react quickly in emergency situations and also   •  Agent skill matrix for a fair distribution of customer

 via the SMC at previously defined points in the business flow.   to quickly return to the initial settings.    requests.
 Second, the announcements manager provides the supervisor   •  Various switches to influence CCE call flows (e.g. alarm

 with  the  option  of  making  and  adapting  announcements  via   For more information, please visit our product page.     control, team meeting, size of queues or waiting times,
 the telephone if they are required at short notice.    overflows).

 Germany: +49 6251 8622 500 | Switzerland: +41 31 917 52 00 | USA: +1-800-917-9060 | | © 2021  Germany: +49 6251 8622 500 | Switzerland: +41 31 917 52 00 | USA: +1-800-917-9060 | | © 2021
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