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                                            by Margaret DiCorleto,  CCCI Delegate

           The American Kennel Club sponsored an Educa-        activities, signed off by a club officer or parent/
           tion Summit on June 10, 2018 prior to the June      guardian, Juniors will receive a pin to commemo-
           Delegates Meeting. This daylong conference was      rate each year they are active in the program. Ms.
           open to members of Parent Clubs and All-Breed       O’Neill stressed that clubs, especially national clubs,
           Clubs and provided an overview of AKC mission,      need children. Clubs can reach out to 4-H groups,
           accomplishments and new initiatives.                Boy/Girl Scout troops, or other youth groups to
           Doug Ljungren, AKC Executive Vice President of      engage young people. She also reminded clubs that
           Sports and Events, reviewed the evolution of dog    they can set the fee, or no fee, for any event. Details
           sports and discussed the importance of reaching     of the new Junior Ambassador Program can be
           new generations of dog fanciers. A large percentage  found at
           of pet owners agree that adopting a shelter animal   Mark Dunn, Executive Vice President, gave a
           is the best way to get a pet. The use of Limited    detailed report on registration data contrasting
           Registration by breeders has affected the availability  growth of some breeds and decline of others. There
           of pure-breed dogs and has contributed to a decline  are 50 breeds that account for 80% of registrations.
           in conformation show entries. He asked, “Why do     Since 2008, 56 breeds have increased registration
           people want to get involved in dog events?” Many    and 109 have declined. The increased use of Lim-
           people see dog events as fun for their dogs, a way to  ited Registration by breeders has impacted these
           meet like-minded people, a way to develop a sense   figures. Declining number of available pure-bred
           of accomplishment by achieving reasonable goals,    puppies affects the public’s ability to purchase and
           and a way for them and their dogs to stay healthy   affects entries in conformation events. There is
           by staying physically and mentally active. On the   growing concern about breed preservation.
           other hand, involvement in dog events is time       He stressed that Parent Clubs need a well-designed
           consuming and costly and not always a “feel good”   website for their breed and should use social media
           experience.                                         and regional clubs to increase public exposure.
           AKC offers 17 traditional sports and 8 non-tradi-   The Roberts Center in Wilmington, Ohio is an
           tional activities. Since 1989 when the Canine Good   excellent venue for national specialties.
           Citizen Test was introduced, a million dogs have    Brandi Hunter, Vice President of Communications
           passed the test. Agility, Rally, the Star Puppy pro-  and Public Relations, talked about how clubs can
           gram, and the new Trick Dog titles have become      best present themselves through the use of social
           very popular.                                       media. She recommended that clubs use two of the
           Glenn Lycan, AKC Director of Event Operations       three top media resources-Facebook, Twitter, or
           Support, and Guy Fisher, Manager of Club Devel-     Instagram. She encouraged establishing a relation-
           opment, with a panel of club members, spoke about  ship with the media by designating one or two club
           ways clubs can be more successful. Clubs can offer   members as “media contacts” and communicat-
           fun events and activities that appeal to all segments   ing with the media throughout the year not just to
           of the dog owning public. Some clubs have held      publicize a show or event.
           canine costume contests and Pee Wee competition.    Ashley Jacot, Public Education Manager, and Nan-
           They can encourage social interaction and offer     cy Fisk, Delegate for Hockamock KC, talked about
           educational programs-ice cream socials and health   ways that clubs can be involved in the community,
           clinics. Clubs can work together to offer a variety of  including a number of Public Education initia-
           events and, if they do, it is important that they have  tives. Ms. Fisk said that clubs can and should do a
           a Letter of Understanding. Clubs should not hesi-   lot, but that each individual club member should
           tate to contact either of these two AKC staff mem-  be an advocate for pure-bred dogs. Ms. Jacot listed
           bers for an individual assessment of their club.    a number of programs including AKC Patch and
           Mari-beth O’Neill, AKC Vice President of Sports     Canine Ambassador. Educational resources include
           Services, reviewed some of the opportunities avail-  lesson plans and books. Details can be found on the
           able to Juniors such as scholarships, handling clin-  AKC webpage. An AKC Reading Pal program (for
           ics, an e-newsletter, and a new Junior Ambassador   Canine Ambassadors) and Canine Clubs are going
                 Program. This program encourages and rec-     to be introduced.
                 ognizes Juniors for their participation in club   Sheila Goffe, AKC Vice President of Government
                 activities. Upon completion of the age-based   Relations, gave a brief overview of current efforts

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