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Case Study on Anesthesia Reactions:

                               Request for Medical Information

                                              Carmen Jane Booth, D.V.M., Ph.D.
                                                    Redfire Chow Chows

           If you have had a purebred Chow Chow die or have a prolonged anesthetic recovery or epi-
           sode of malignant hyperthermia following sedation, during or following routine anesthesia
           and surgery where there is the complete medical record including the anesthesia record and
           post-operative treatment sheets and would like to help determine if there is a problem in
           our breed, please consider helping by providing the information. The specific information
           on the Chow, and owner would be kept confidential and only the data used for publication
           and recommendations on anesthesia and postoperative recovery specific for Chow Chows.

               NOTE:  See the accompaning article, “Are Chow Chows at Greater Risk of Death During Anesthe-
                                    sia and Surgery Than Other Dogs?”, on pages 76 - 77.

                                     AKC EDUCATION SUMMIT (continued)

            by her department to protect the rights of dog own-  health of dogs and their owners through scien-
            ers. Over 2,000 bills on the federal, state, and local   tific research and sharing of health information to
            level are tracked each year, and the department is a   prevent, treat, and cure canine disease. The Canine
            valuable resource for clubs in a community or state   Health Foundation offers grants for research into
            that is dealing with anti-dog legislation. There is   a wide variety of canine health problems including
            growing concern about “retail rescue,” the import   epilepsy, tick-borne diseases, blood disorders and
            of dogs from overseas who are not screened for      cancer. There will be a Health Conference in St.
            health or behavior problems, and the use of fraudu-  Louis, Missouri in August 2019.
            lent service dogs. A regional legislative conference
            open to AKC Legislative Liaisons, AKC Club Of-      Recorded presentations of the Education Summit
            ficers, Delegates, and AKC Club Representatives,    are available online on AKC.TV and are linked on
            and AKC-Affiliated Federation Representatives will  the AKC Education Summit webpage. There is also
            be held in Denver, Colorado in July. Other regional   an AKC Education Webinar series the last Wednes-
            conferences are being planned for Kentucky and      day of every month covering a variety of topics in
            California.                                         an interactive format. Go to
            Dr. Diane Brown, AKC Canine Health Foundation       education/akc-education-webinar-series for details.
            Chief Executive Officer, gave a brief presentation
            of some of the work being done to advance the

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