Page 11 - PSK Foundation Portfolio 2018
P. 11

HEALTH CARE  SENIOR CITIZEN’S WELLNESS DAY                                                                               MORE ABOUT US

 We learn from the past that is why we treasure the people that help
 create positive change for the future.                                                                               Our commitment to education stems
 ANGELS OF HOPE                                                                                                       from the basic need to ensure that all children
 The PSK Foundation hosts an annual Wellness Day for Senior Citizen’s in the
 Angels of Hope is dedicated to serving the most vulnerable   KZN Region, targeting a different area each year.       are provided with the right to receive adequate
 of our society.                                                                                                      opportunity for a better, brighter and more
 From hearing screenings to health advice, eye tests, lunch, self -                                                   rewarding future. By equipping them with the right
 Terminal illnesses with inadequate resources  empowerment and motivational speeches, we aimed to ensure that their   tools and skills we aim to inform the decisions
 stories and challenges are heard so that we are able to assist them in making                                        and choices they will make for their future and
 To provide fair opportunities  the most of what is left of their future.                                             communities.
 sustaionance, healthcare, counselling
 ensure their families receive the best support during and   The PSK Foundation is committed in fulfilling its mandate to...Changing lives   As such we have developed Youth Development
 after  One Breath at a time starting with acknowledging those who have made our   Women’s Day Program                programs focusing on skills based decision
 future possible.  Our women’s Evening program was designed for women from the community and relevant stake holders with an
 As such, we have emabrked on a national programme to   evening of laughter, health support, dissemination of information and equipping mother’s, daughters caregivers,   making, coping skills and support programs
 identify such patients and individuals along with a multidisci-  grannies and leaders with a day to celebrate all that makes us unique and exceptional.   and Tuition based curriculum intervention to aid
 plinary team (oncologists, nurses, radiologists, counsellors),                                                       learning and promote literacy
 with organisations such as hospitals and outreach centres,   In embracing our strengths in our chosen areas of life we are able to unite and bring change to our homes, families,
 clinics and home-based care workers to enusre that we pro-
 vide the right suppoort via lifeskills, oncology and nutritional   communities through remembering our roles and gifts.  Our Health programs are designed to
 supplementation eg, vitamins, medication, food hampers etc.                                                          promote Preventative measures and engage
     PSK wristbands are a symbol of social responsibility that serves as a reminder that we can change the lives of   on-going adherence to treatment through early
     millions one breath at a time. When you purchase a PSK wristband you fund self sustainability through multiple projects,
     meals, health initiatives and educational support and uplift community through your kindness and generosity.     diagnosis, awareness, treatment and support.

     These bands represent the simple act of reminding others that we can all contribute to being a stakeholder in providing   From screenings to advocating for healthier
     hope and transforming lives                                                                                      alternatives   and   resources    from    Health
                                                                                                                      care professionals and organisations we
      HYDROPONICS                                                                                                     have embarked  on  making  health  care  more
      PSK Foundation is committed to promoting self-sustaining methods, growing our own fruit and vegetables. We      accessible  to  community  members  that  are  not
      practice hydroponics, which is a simple method of growing your own food.
                                                                                                                      able  to  do  so  on  their  own  i.e.  lower  sociology

      Hydroponics is the growing of plants in nutrient solutions, with or without sand, gravel or other inert media, to  economic communities, single parent homes,
      provide mechanical support. Nutrition is supplied by water-soluble nutrients in place of soil. Hydroponics allows for   early childhood challenges, senior citizens etc.
      the cultivation of plants in a reas where they wouldn’t typically grow .

      But that’s not the only benefit to this metthod – hydroponics also saves on land, fuel and labour.
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