Page 6 - PSK Foundation Portfolio 2018
P. 6

SKILLS DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SKILLS DEVELOPMENT

     ICT LEARNING LIBRARIES                                                                                                                                                   Early Development Centers were designed to meet the growing                      Our multidisciplinary team of educators, health care workers and youth
                                                                                                                                                                              need to nurture the young minds and hearts in our communities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               specialists worked tirelessly to maintain an ethical learning culture that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               is condusive to happy learning, with as much fun in learning as there is
                                                                                                                                                                              Having responded to the community outcries to provide stability                  thought provoking moments of reflection.
     ICT learning libraries is a project that focuses on                                                                                                                      and an environment where IQ and EQ were equally important,
     making technology and access to information                                                                                                                              our EDC centers were based on ensuring balance in the way                        The programs design range from their context to varied age groups and
     more readily available through resources such                                                                                                                            we shape the future of our youth.                                                backgrounds with an idea to cross skill and build more meaningful
     as computers, encyclopedias and the internet                                                                                                                                                                                                              understanding.
     for schools, children’s homes and support                                                                                                                                With programs tailored  specifically to  challenges that are being
     facilities  for  children  with  special  needs  and                                                                                                                     met on a daily basis and with a need to foster concepts of social                The EDC will also serve as a hub for support and counseling so that our
     requirements.                                                                                                                                                            cohesiveness and intercultural understanding.                                    youth have a lifeline through their challenges that will ensure ongoing

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               development and an outreached hand through troubling times that may be
     As such  we ensure that research, homework                                                                                                                               Enhancement of coping mechanisms amongst youth is also of                        to overwhelming for them.
     and even curiosity are curved with healthy and                                                                                                                           paramount importance to ensure that we developing the ability
     safer resources that can be monitored and                                                                                                                                of our youth to meet with negativity and also make informed
     managed with ICT libraries.                                                                                                                                              decisions.                                                                       EDC was born out of the passion to improve the quality of life of our youth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and to empower them with the necessary tools to make a constructive

     We have further trained and equipped                                                                                                                                       EDC have the ability to identify strengths such as creativity and              contribution to their own lives the lives of their communities and society at
     custodians for each of these projects in the                                                                                                                             communication skills and effectively enhance them through                        large.
     community to ensure that they can be
     self-sustainable and on-going.                                                                                                                                           practical exercises and practices.

     With accessibility to technology and extra learning
     materials being so scarce in several areas, PSK
     Foundation aims to bridge the gap between                                                                                                                               Our centers have been designed to work with leaders in the community and have utilised their feedback in
     educational and sustainable development. We                                                                                                                             designing our approaches to ensure that they are incorporative and culturally sensitive.
     have provided over  40 schools and orphanages
     with refurbished PC’s.                                                                                                                                                  To maintain our core value of sustainability we have embarked on train the trianer workshops to ensure that the

     The foundation ensures that all these libraries                                                                                                                         upskilling filters through all levels of the community and is maintained.
     contain software and information relevant to the
     educational development of thousands of children,                                                                                                                       Our Youth Committee at the EDC have been instrumental in design and implementation to ensure social
     whereby making the technology available and in                                                                                                                          responsibility at its basic level and to ensure the content of what we deliver is at an appropriate level for the youth
     return creating a fun and enjoyable environment.                                                                                                                        needs that it is designed to meet.
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