Page 9 - PSK Foundation Portfolio 2018
P. 9

SKILLS DEVELOPMENT  The motto of the Foundation is to change lives one                                                     SUSTAINABILITY
 breath at a time and we believe that the best manner
 in which to accomplish this task would be through
 sustainable development.
                                                                 There are three basic steps to plant your Reel
 Various studies have shown that adults and children as          Gardening seed strip:                                Reel  Gardening  was  designed  to  be  the  simple
 a whole perform better when fully nourished.                    Step 1: Prepare the soil                             solution to gardening and simple is the best word
 Byrne Valley was constructed with a focus on providing a safe   Turn the soil to allow for root growth and add compost   to describe it.
 environment that removed people away from the chaos of everyday   Therefore, the Foundation has partnered with Reel   or fertilizer if necessary.
 life to allow them an opportunity to delve into their own  Gardening to provide schools, homes and orphanages        All  the  fuss  is  taken  out  of  gardening  by  using
 consciousness in the hope of reflection being the key to chartering a   the means in which to not only grow their own crop but   Step 2: Plant your strip  the illustrations above to explain how to plant
 also to sustain themselves in years to follow.
                                                                 Make a furrow in the ground and plant your strip up to
 positive way forward in achieving their goals.                  the white line. Pat down around your strip to secure it   Reel Gardening  strips,  which makes  gardening
    Our aim is to ensure that children from all walks of life    in place.                                            accessible to everyone.
 Set in the lush valley of Byrne with the majestic rolling hills amidst   are provided the opportunity to grow and blossom into
 the forest, the cabins are set along side a bubbling stream that  their full potential by ensuring that we can assist them   Step 3: Water your strip  In addition you don’t need to think about how deep
                                                                 Frequent watering is essential for optimum germination.
 provides the perfect tranquility to engage with meaningful change.  in bypassing some of life’s heaviest hurdles.  Water daily until the plants germinate, from then on   and at what distance apart to put the seeds into the
                                                                 water every second or third day.                     soil as the biodegradable paper already anchors
 With a dire need to allow each individual to look within themselves   And there you have it, simple but effective! Just add   the seeds at the correct depth and distance apart.
 to channel their energy and purpose, Byrne Valley was designed   water and soon you’ll be on your way to a hearty
 with that focus and provides one the opportunity to utilise skills such   harvest!
 as guided imagery and breathing exercises to manage their stress,                                      Download the planting revolution app from the AppStore or the Google
 fears, anxiety and inadequacy.                                                                         Play Store or from and start your own

                                                                                                        planting journey today.
 Each of the programs on offer has been designed and implemented                                        The  Planting  Revolution  Mobile  App  will  support  you  throughout  your

 by qualified multidisciplinary teams that have extensive experience                                    planting journey.
 in wellness and well being.                                                                            You will learn everything you need to know about vegetable gardening by
                                                                                                        watching a series of short animated videos over a 4-month growing cycle.
 The focus of the Byrne Valley Project is to not only create a safe                                     The app  will record exactly which sees you  have planted and  tailor its
 environment for the children but also to assist them in developing life                                reminders and information to suit your specific vegetable garden
 and educational skills as well as introducing them to new
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