Page 173 - Face2Face Inter
P. 173


         p   Really?                                   "'·'i·>10 ma                                   c  Sorry, it's only insured for Rebecca and
         w  Yes, and the man always took a close                                                         myself. But we can drop you at the station
            frien[d] with him to help with the         Conversation 1                                    whenever you like.
                                                       REBECCA  Morning, Ella. Sleep well?
            kidnapping, which is where the tradition                                                 M  No problem, I just thought I'd ask.
            of the 'bes[t] man' comes from.            ELLA  Yes, like a log. What's the time?       c  Is there anything else you need?
         p   That's interesting.                       R  About 11.30.                               M  Er, do you think I could use your landline
                                                       E  Really? I've been asleep for nearly 12
         w  That's also why the bes[t] man stands                                                        to call my parents? I said I would phone
            nex[t] to the groom during the wedding         hours!                                        them today and I don't have any credit
                                                       R  Well, I'm sure it'll take a few days to
            ceremony, so he could protec[t] the bride                                                    left on my mobile.
            if her family trie[d] to come an[d] take her   recover. It's a long flight from Delhi.   c  Yes, of course. Go ahead. The phone's in
            back.                                      E  Yeah, it took about 11 hours, and we           the front room, by the window.
         p   Well, I'm please[d] tha[t] things have        didn't sleep at all on the plane. Mike's   M  Thanks a lot.
            moved_on a bi[t] since then. An[d]             still fast asleep. I'm starving. Can I make   c  While you do that, I'll get Rebecca's
            what_abou[t] wedding rings? Where di[d]        myself some breakfast?                        laptop so you can upload those photos.
            they originate?                            R  Yes, of course you can. Help yourself.     M  Thanks.
         w  Tha[t] tradition was starte[d] by the          You know where everything is.
                                                       E  Thanks. And thanks a lot for letting us           9
            Ancient_Egyptians. An[d] the wedding
                                                           stay for a bit, Rebecca. That's really kind
            ring is always worn on the thir[d]                                                       ANSWERS  2a3b4a5a6b
                                                           of you.
            finger of the left han[d] because the
            Ancient_Egyptians believe[d] the vein of   R  No problem. Stay as long as you like,             12
            tha[t] finger was the 'vein of love' an[d]     it's nice to have the company. Is there   ROB  Hi, Sue. What_are you doing_at the
                                                           anything else you need?
            ran directly to the heart.                                                                   weekend?
         p   Oh, right. An[d] what_abou(t] wedding     E  Er, well, all our clothes are absolutely   SUE  We're planning to goJ w/_away.
                                                          filthy from all the travelling. May I use
            cakes?                                                                                   R  Really? Where_are youJ w/_off to?
                                                           your washing machine?
         w  Well, they've been aroun[d] since                                                        s  We'reJ r/_off to Dublin forJ r/_a wedding.
                                                       R  Actually, I was just going to put some
            Ancien(t] Greek an[d] Roman times.                                                           We have to check_in_at ten, so we're
            The Greeks use[d] to throw small cakes        washing in. I need some clean clothes for      setting_ of £_at_ eight.
            a(t] the bride an[d] groom, while the         Harry. But you can use it later if you like.   R  Well, this weekend)'m going to
                                                       E  Great, thanks.
            Romans use[d] to break a cake over the                                                       tidyJ j/_up myJ j/_office. I've been
                                                       R  So what are your plans?
            bride's head. Both of these were symbols                                                     putting)t_off forJ r/_ages, but_I really
                                                       E  Well, I need to look for a job, actually.
            of fertility - you know, to help the bride                                                   need to sort)t_out.
                                                          We spent all our money on the India trip.
            have lots of children.                                      s  SoJ w/_are you going to beJ j/)n_all
         p   And am I rightjn thinking that's why      R  You could talk to Charlie. Apparently          weekend?
            people throw confetti too?                    they need a new PA in the office.          R  Yes,_IJ j/_am. Do you want me to
                                                       E  Really? That's interesting. I'll talk to him
         w  Yes, exactly. Guests use[d] to throw                                                         look_after your cat while you'~r/_away?
                                                          about it later. It's much colder here than in
            wheat, rice or nuts coatedjn sugar over                                                  s  That'd be great, thanks. See youJ w/_on
                                                          Delhi. Do you mind if I borrow a jumper?
            the happy couple to help them have                                                           Monday!
                                                       R  No, not at all. They're in the bottom
            children, and_also to wish for a successful
            harvest. Now, of course, people ten[d] to     drawer in our bedroom. Pick whichever             13
            throw confetti instead.                       one you like.                              GABI  Hello, On The Box. Can I help you?
         p   OK, so then the happy couple go on their   E  Great, thanks a lot. Be back in a minute.   FIONA  Hello. Um, can I speak to Max
            honeymoon. Where di[d] tha[t] tradition    Conversation 2                                    Foster, please?
            originate?                                 CHARLIE  Oh, Mike, what's it like to be       G  I'm afraid he's in a meeting all day. I'm
        w  Well, one theory says this startedjn           back in the UK?                                his PA, Gabi. Can I take a message?
            Babylonia abou[t] 4,000 years ago. After   MIKE  Well, it's quite strange, actually. We   F  Er, yes, probably. My name's Fiona
            the wedding the bride's father gave his       were only in India for a month, but it feels   Robbins, and I'm er going to be in your
            new son-in-law all the mead - that's          like we were away for a year. But it's very    new TV drama Undercover.
            beer made from honey- the man coul[d]         nice to be back.                           G  Oh yes, of course. You're going to be Kat,
            drink. This was drunk for the nex(t]       c  And when are we going to see your              aren't you?
            month - and_as the calendar was               photos?                                    F  That's right, yes. Anyway um I'm afraid I
            based_on the moon, this period_of time     M  Oh er they're all still on our camera at the   can't come to the meeting on Monday.
            after the wedding became known as the         moment. Er, is it OK ifl use your laptop   G  Oh, dear. Why's that?
            honeymoon.                                    to upload some photos?                     F  Well, um I'm in hospital. I was in a car
        p   Andjn the UK, women are traditionally      c  Sorry, I left mine at work. But I'm sure       accident and I've broken my leg.
            allowe[d] to propose to men on the 29rh       Rebecca will let you use hers.             G  Oh, how terrible!
            February. Why is that?                     M  Thanks a lot. Then I can show them to      F  Yes, I won't be able to walk on it for a
        w  Ah, this dates back hundreds of years,         you and Rebecca later, if you like.            month, or so they tell me.
            when the leap year wasn'(t] recognise[d]   c  Yeah, good idea. We could do it after      G  Poor you! That must be awful!
            by law. For this reason, women believe[d]     dinner.                                    F  Well, it's quite painful, yes. But I've
            tha(t] they didn'(t] have to follow the    M  Oh, I have another big favour to ask you.      already had one operation. It went quite
            usual traditions, so they fel[t] they         Would you mind if I borrowed your car          well, I think.
            could_ask their men to marry them.            some time this week? My brother lives      G  Well, that's good news, at least.
        p   An[d] what_about_other traditions, such       about 20 miles away and I haven't seen     F  Yes, I suppose so. And I'm having another
            as ...                                        him for ages.                                  operation on Friday. I hope it's going to
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