Page 174 - Face2Face Inter
P. 174
be OK. G Yes, I know. M Fine. Is that all?
G Oh, I'm sure it is. M So what did you tell her? G And there's er one more.
F Thanks. Anyway, about Undercover. G I told her they were going to start filming M What's that?
I still want to be in the programme, of soon. G Your ex-wife told me she'd sold the house.
course, but I don't know what to do. M Good. So she knows that we have to find M What?! Get [h]er on the phone - now!
G Well, they're going to start filming soon, someone else. &11
I think. G Well, er, not exactly.
F Yes, I know. M What do you mean? GABI I'm sorry, I don't know what you're
G Well, um, you must talk to Max. And the G I told her that she had to talk to you. talking about.
sooner, the better, really. Um, can he call Here's her mobile number. EVA We've been watching you for a while,
you tomorrow? M Right. While I'm doing this, find someone you know. We've got it all - phone
F Yes, please. He can call me on my mobile, else to play Kat. I want three people conversations, emails, text messages,
which is 07700 900348. here for auditions first thing tomorrow bank statements, the lot.
G Er, yes, of course. morning. G You're joking! You mean you're a cop?
F Thanks. Look, I'm really sorry about this. G Sure, will do. Before you go, you bad E Got it in one, mate. And I hope you like
G Don't worry. I'll ask Max to call you back some other messages too. prison food, because unless you start
in the morning. M Who from? giving me some names, you're going to be
F OK. G Well, Mr Hall said he ... eating it for the next ten years.
G And get well soon! MAX Thank you very much um Eva. That
F Thanks a lot. Bye. was very good. Thanks, Gabi.
G Bye. GABI Sure, will do. Before you go, you had G No problem. See you later.
some other messages too. M Now, Eva, I'd like to ask you a few
MAX Who from? questions.
GABI Hello, Max. G Well, Mr Hall said [h]e had to talk to E Sure, go ahead.
MAX Morning, Gabi. Any messages? you. M Are you working at the moment?
G Yes, quite a few, actually. Um, we've got M OK, I'll call [h]im later. What's [h]is E Er, not at the moment, no.
a problem. number? M Do you have any acting work in the next
M Oh, what's that? G He only gave me his mobile number. three months?
G Fiona Robbins called. You know, Here it is. E Well, maybe. I've had some auditions
the actress who's going to be Kat in M What does [h]e want, anyway? I talked to for other TV programmes, but I'm still
Undercover. waiting to hear back from them.
him last week.
M Uh huh ... G Apparently his wife wants [h]er script M And what was your last acting job?
G Well, she's broken her leg. back. E I played a nurse in an episode of Ward
M You're joking! M Well, send it to her - it was rubbish Six recently - you know, the TV hospital
G No, really, it's true. She said that she'd anyway. What's next? soap. I got hit by a car and ended up as a
been in a car accident. G Er ... Carl told me he was going to be in patient in the hospital I worked in. I died
M Oh no! That's the last thing we need. New York next week. at the end of the episode. But it was a very
G Yes, I know. But she's being looked after M Why is [b]e going to New York? He challenging part.
very well, I think. She told me that she'd should be going to L.A. That man's an M OK, that sounds good. What other parts
already had one operation. idiot. I'll call [h]im later. have you had recently?
M Well, that's good news, I guess. G And Sid said that [h]e hadn't understood E Before that, well, I was a schoolteacher in
G Yes, I think so. And she said that she was your email. Maybe you should call [h]im a film called Flowers in Winter. I had the
having another operation on Friday. back. lead role in that. It was quite a demanding
M Did she say when she'd be able to work M OK, I will. Is that it? role, but very rewarding too. The film's
again? G Er, not quite. Who's next? Um, oh yes, coming out next month, I think.
G Not exactly. But she said she wouldn't be Linda Wise said she couldn't come to M Right. And where did you study acting?
able to walk on it for a month. Monday's meeting. E I trained at the London School of Drama
M Oh, I don't believe it! Does she realise M Did she say why? for three years.
how serious this is? G Yes, she's hurt [h]er back again. M Really? Hm, that's good. And the last
G Yes, I think so. She sounded quite worried M Typical. I told [h]er to see a doctor. She question. Are you available to start next
about it. just won't listen. week?
M Not her leg - the fact that we're going to G And Mrs Lee told me the designs would E Next week? Yes, I think so.
lose our lead actress! be ready on Monday. M OK, that's about all. Thanks for coming
G Anyway, she told me she couldn't come to M Well, that's some good news, at least. in. We've got your number, haven't we?
the meeting on Monday. G Yes, I told [h]er you'd be pleased. What's E Yes, it's on my CV - or you can call my
M No, obviously not. What was she next? Oh, Ted Black said [h]e was having agent.
thinking of? a party on Saturday. M Fine. We'll let you know by the end of the
G Well, I don't think she planned to be in a M Who on earth is Ted Black? day. Have you got any questions?
car crash. G You know, the film producer. I told [h]im E Yes, I've got a couple, actually. Who are
M No, I suppose not. What else did she say? you'd be there. the other actors in Undercover?
G She said she still wanted to be in the M Oh no! You know I can't stand [h]im.
programme. G He said [h]e wanted to talk to you about
M What, in a wheelchair? She's supposed to a new project.
be an undercover cop!