Page 72 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 72
Listening and Speaking • HELP WITH LISTENING
• British and American accents
II a What do you know about tipping in the UK and •
the USA? m a -32 Listen to these sentences said with a
British accent and an American accent. The British
accent is first.
Do you want another glass of wine?
Just a glass of water, please.
b &33 British and American people usually say
the letters in blue differently. Listen to the differences.
The British accent is always first.
• 1 bigger, later, morning 4 dollar, coffee, want
2 waiter, British, better 5 bought, fall, water
3 staff, glass, half
c &34 Listen to four sentences said twice. Which
b &31 Listen to Graham, an Englishman, do you hear first, a British or an American accent?
and Ruth, an American, having a conversation in
d Look at Audio Script &31 p167. Listen again
a restaurant. Answer these questions.
and notice the difference between the two people's
1 Which country are Graham and Ruth in? accents.
2 Why do restaurant staff in this country often
introduce themselves? If.I a Work in pairs. Make a list of five groups of people
3 Which other people who get tips do they discuss? that you think deserve tips (apart from waiters/
4 In which country do people tip more? waitresses and taxi drivers).
c Work in pairs. Listen again. Student A, make notes b Compare lists with another pair. Choose the five
about tipping in the UK. Student B, make notes about groups of people who deserve tips the most.
Give reasons.
tipping in the USA.
d Work with your partner. Take turns to tell each other c Work in groups or with the whole class. Agree on
the information you heard. a final list of five groups of people.
was particularly good, but attendant are all expecting
v it certainly isn't obligatory. a tip as well, but again, how
However, in some countries much? Perhaps the best
it may seem strange if you option in these cases is to
do leave a tip. In Japan, for ask the local people what is
example, the waitress might acceptable or observe what
be insulted if you tipped others do. Of course, you
her. In Thailand, if you could simply play safe and tip
Then, of course, you have to left a tip, the restaurant everyone you meet!
eat. In some countries such staff probably wouldn't be
as Ireland, Brazil, Poland and offended, but you might be
Portugal, the customary tip in pursued down the street
restaurants is 10-15% unless by someone thinking you'd
a service charge is included, forgotten to take your change. In New Zealand, although it's
so the first rule of thumb is unlikely anyone would chase
always check the bill. In other after you, you'd definitely get
countries such as France, some odd looks if you left
Italy, Germany, Australia and a tip.
Spain, where a 10-15% service And your problem with
charge is either very common tipping isn't over when you
or compulsory, you may leave the restaurant. Next
want to leave an additional you discover the tour guide,
tip if you think the service the hairdresser and the toilet
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