Page 71 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 71
Vocabulary synonyms
A bit extra Skills Reading: travel article;
Listening: a conversation about tipping
connected to money Write •
• • We often use synonyms to avoid repeating words or phrases when we are
five phrasal verbs connected to • speaking or writing .
money: save up for, etc. Work •
in pairs. Take turns to say a EJ a Look at the words/phrases in pink in the article. Check any words you
phrasal verb. Your partner uses • don't know with your teacher or in a dictionary .
it in a sentence. Is the sentence •
• b Look at the words/phrases in blue in the article. Match them to these
correct? • synonyms from the article. Write the infinitive form of the verbs.
WO rk out . figure out certainly
exa ct t-- insulted
Speaking and Reading pro blem chase
app ropriate discover
D Work in groups. Discuss these
questions. com pulsory simply
1 Who do people usually give tips to c Look at words a-j. Match them to the synonyms in bold in the article.
in your country? •
2 How much do people tip them? • a simple straightforward e strange h differ
3 Why might people decide not to • b especially f watch difficult
tip someone? • c usually g extra for example
• d normal
a Read sentences 1-6 about •
tipping customs. Guess the • d Check 11Mft!i:il!fl1aj:it p145 .
correct words/phrases.
Work in pairs. Take turns to test each other on the synonyms in 3b and 3c.
1 Tipping customs round the world
are fairly similar/quite different. the synonym of 'work out'? I I
2 People from the same country
usually agree/often disagree
about who and how much they
should tip.
3 In most countries people give/
don't give taxi drivers a 10% tip. A TIPPING NIGHTMARE!
4 Most hotel porters round the
WHEN YOU'RE ABROAD, trying to find out who to tip is never
world receive the equivalent of US straightforward and neither is trying to work out the exact amount. To
50c/$1 per bag.
make things even more complicated, the rules for tipping vary greatly
5 When the service charge is from country to country. Even people from the same country can't agree
included in a restaurant bill, on how much to tip. Also, within each country the rules can change, so
people sometimes/never leave an what was appropriate last time you visited your favourite country may be
additional tip. completely inappropriate the next time you go. However, here are some
6 People tip waiters and waitresses general guidelines which might help you on your travels.
in every country/most countries.
You face your first dilemma as soon
b Read the article. Check your as you land at the airport - the taxi
answers to 2a. ride. Taxi drivers generally do expect
tips, but rather than there being a
c Read the article again. Answer
precise amount, people round up the
these questions. Then work in
fare or just tell the driver to keep the
groups. Compare answers.
1 If your country is mentioned in the
article, do you agree with what it Your next encounter is with the hotel
porter and you know he's expecting a
says? Why? Why not?
tip, but the problem is trying to figure
2 If your country isn't mentioned,
out how much. It seems that in many
which countries in the article have
countries round the world $1 per bag
similar tipping habits to yours? would be an appropriate amount.