Page 73 - Face2Face Uper Inter
P. 73
                     ll REAL

                     WORLD                                                                                             Real World  apologising

                                                                                  •   REAL WORLD  Apologising
                                                                                 El   a  Match sentences 1- 16 to meanings a-c.
                                                                                  •     a  apologising
                                                                                  •     b  giving reasons for your actions or being self-critical
                                                                                  •     c  responding to an apology
        D  a  Work in pairs. Make a list of reasons why you might                 •                                                           J
             need to apologise to someone.                                        •   1  I'm sorry that this is such short notice.  a
             turning up late  losing your temper                                  •   2  I didn't realise (it was today).
             b  Work with a new partner. Compare ideas. Which of the              •  3  Don't worry about it.
             things on your list have you had to apologise for recently?          •  4  I had no idea (the other actor would be this late) .
                                                                                  •   5  No need to apologise.
        El  a  ll)i•B•>s l!!!J35  Watch or listen to three                        •
                                                                                  •  6  I thought (you knew each other) for some reason.
             conversations, 1, 2 and 3. Then answer these questions.              •   7  Oh, that's alright.
             In which conversation(s):                                            •   8  Never mind.
             a  is Eddy surprised to see someone?                                 •
                                                                                  •   9  I didn't mean to (hit you).
             b  does Eddy find out there's an audition that day?                  •
                                                                                  •  10  I'm really sorry. I'm afraid (I forgot to collect your
             c  does Eddy apologise to someone?                                   •      dry cleaning) .
             b  Watch or listen again. Then tick the true sentences.              •  11  It doesn't matter.
             Decide why the other sentences are false.                            •  12  I'm sorry about (last Saturday) .
             1  Eddy forgot about the audition.                                   •   13  I shouldn't have (lost my temper).
             2  Eddy was auditioning for the part of a policeman.                 •  14  I can't believe (I  shouted at you).
                                                                                  •  15  Forget about it.
             3  Eddy has had some boxing lessons.
             4  Eddy had met Roger before.                                        •   16  I'm sorry for (not being more sympathetic).
             5  Roger played the part of the nightclub bouncer.                   •
                                                                                  •  b  Look at the phrases in bold in 3a. Complete
             6  Eddy broke Roger's nose.                                          •  these rules with a noun, a clause or verb+ing.
             7  Eddy didn't get the part in the TV drama.                         •   •  After I'm sorry (that) we use
             a  Eddy lost his wallet.                                             •      After I'm sorry about we usually use
                                                                                  •  •
             9  Eddy shouted at his mother last Saturday.                         •
                                                                                  •   •  After I'm sorry for we usually use (not)
             c  Work in pairs. Compare answers.                                   •
                                                                                  •   c  Check in 1;@119M;llil:I• p146.
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