Page 75 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 75

                               T3 CAMPUS
                               Department of Information Technology      DCIT 25 – Data Structures and Algorithms

               Accessing Data Pointer to by a Pointer
                       A  pointer  variable  references a  memory  location  that  contains  a  memory address.
               Sometimes a programmer wants to copy that memory address to another pointer variable.
               This is accomplished by using an assignment statement as shown here:
                                              ptOldGrade = ptNewGrade;

                       You will notice that this assignment statement is identical to assignment statements
               used with any variable. Remember that the assignment statement tells the computer to copy
               the contents of a variable regardless if the content is a memory address or any other value.
                       Other times, programmers want to the use of the content of the memory address stored
               in the pointer variable. This may be tricky to understand, so let’s look at an example to clear
               up any confusion.
                       The first two statements declare variable, one of which is initialized with a value. The
               next two statements declare pointer variable. And the last statement assigns the address of
               the first variable to pointer variables.

                                       char oldGrade;
                                       char grade = ‘A’;
                                       char *ptGrade;
                                       char *ptOldGrade;
                                       ptGrade = &grade;

                                 Memory allocated after values are assigned to variables.

                       Let’s say a programmer wants to use the value stored in the grade variable to display
               the grade on the screen. However, the programmer wants to use only the ptGrade pointer to
               do this.
                       The programmer uses the pointer dereferencing (sometimes called the dereferencing
               operator), which is the asterisk (*), to dereference the point variable. Think of dereferencing
               as telling the computer you are referring to go to the memory address contained in the pointer
               and  then  perform  the  operation.  Without  dereferencing,  the  computer  is  told  to  use  the
               contents of the pointer when performing the operation.
                       Let’s say you want to copy the content of ptGrade to ptOldGrade. Here’s how you
               would do it:                        ptOldGrade = ptGrade;

                        Memory allocated after the value of the ptGrade is copied to ptOldGrade

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