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CvSU Library Manual of Operations
Article 4. Other Services
The University Library also offers the following services to
the library users:
Section 1. Library Information Literacy and User Education
User education are all the activities involved in
teaching users how to make the best possible use of library
resources, services, and facilities, including formal and
informal instruction delivered by a librarian or other staff
member one-on-one or in a group.
While, Library Information Literacy is skill in finding
the information one needs, including an understanding of
how libraries are organized, familiarity with the resources
they provide (including information formats and automated
search tools), and knowledge of commonly used research
To maximize the use of the library resources, facilities,
and services to promote lifelong learning among University
constituents and other library users, a continuing library
information literacy and user education program shall be
carried out. The following activities shall be done through:
a. Library Instruction (Library Orientation and Tours);
Library rules and policies are presented and
discussed during orientation programs for all
incoming students of the University for widest
Library tours and collection orientation are also
conducted by schedule.
b. Lecture-demonstrations, workshops, and hands-on
exercises on the use of information resources,
facilities, and equipment;
c. One-on-one instruction;
d. Preparation of users’ guides, handbooks, newsletters
and other printed and online library instructional
materials; and
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